Loss: Candy

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Revision 5/5/2019

Grenda walked me home after our goodbyes. While the task of getting the town back to normal was already underway it was still easy to see evidence of the disturbances caused by Bill. We didn't really talk much on the way to my house, it wasn't so much that we were still processing what we had gone through because of Bill, rather at the moment what was on our minds were that our friends  were leaving for home.  Summer would soon be over, the town would be closer to being repaired and school would start up again. Things would go back to "normal" again and i don't thin either of us would be ready for that. It's not like things were bad before but, it just wouldn't be the same. I would hang out with Grenda and we would have a lot of fun but it is just the two of us. No one else wanted to hang out with us because we were "weird". Grenda is a nice girl but her booming voice and personality usually drove people away. And I'm just the quiet girl that keeps to herself. That all was true until the night of the dance at the Mystery Shack. Grenda and I were sitting by the wall eating popcorn and watching the people dance, hoping to find some boys our age. 

Soos was doing his best to DJ the party but kept pressing the wrong sound effect button on the mixer board. Mabel made her way across the dance floor and sat next to us. We talked for a while and really hit it off with her. Ever since that night we spent a lot of time with her during the rest of the summer and sometimes Dipper got dragged into our antics and the occasional surprise make over whenever he upset Mabel. I couldn't help but smirk at the look of him screaming for help while we covered him in lipstick and eyeliner. Mabel, Grenda and I didn't have the time to do a good job so we ended up just throwing makeup on his face. That all had become the new normal.

The brief moment of joy got swept aside by the wave of sorrow as the thought of them not being around comes back. I fell the lump forming in the back of my throat as I thanked Grenda and said "See you later" before walking into my house.

"Anyoung haseyo" I hear my mom say from the living room.

"Hey mom" I reply, quickly snapping myself back into reality.

I tried to make it to my room without her seeing the tears in the corners of my eyes, but to no avail. In the split second that she saw me as I passed her office door she knew something was wrong. She dropped the pen in her hand and got up to follow me to my room. There was no use in trying to hide my feelings and just as I threw myself onto the bed my mom came into the door way.

"Candy what's wrong, and please don't say nothing." 

I sat there for a few moments and let out a sigh. She's sat down next to me on my bed and gave me a hug. I took a breath and for half an hour talked about my summer and the event of wierdmagedon, not leaving out the details that I hadn't told her before after we met up after Bill had been erased.  At the end of my rant I looked up see you smile over her face.

"What?" I asked confused.

She smiles a little more. " I am so glad that you are ok after all that we had been through, that you made friends..... So this friend of yours, Dipper, you mentioned him a lot. I blushed at the realization that I had talked a lot about him. My mom interrupts my thoughts "So you like him?" she asks.

I blush harder

"Ani eomma!" I yell, and immediately I realize how my reaction must look to her. I swear she was acting a little like Mabel when it came to asking questions like that.

I thought about how I felt about him. Even after he hurt my feelings with the stunt that he pulled on the road trip with Mr. Pines. I couldn't be mad at him now because it wasn't his fault, Mr. Pines gave him some bad advice. I guess I did still have some feelings for him after all. I wish that both him and Mable were here. I have to wait until they come back. Hopefully by then my feelings will be sorted out.

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