A Spark of Jealousy (Wendy)

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The moment the bell rings my head is off my desk and I'm running out of the class. School had only been back in session for about a month and guess what? I was already over it. I made my way through the school to my locker where I waited for Tambry to show up. Feeling a buzz in my pocket I pull my phone out of my pocket and flip it open to see a message from her. She was busy after school with Robbie. I couldn't help but smile; It was still a little weird that one of my best friends and my ex were dating, but they were happy together. Robbie wasn't depressed anymore and Tambry wasn't on her phone every waking hour.

I stood against my locker thinking of what to do. After a few seconds of planning the mystery shack came to mind. I hadn't been there, seen Soos or Melody for a while now, school had kept me busy. I opened my locker, grabbed my back pack and made my way to the forest. It would be interesting to see what Soos had done with the place.

I took my old short cut through the woods. I knew this forest all to well, not only had I grown up in it but I would use it to escape. It was the place that I would go to when we would prank teachers and cause trouble at the school my freshman year. Our plan in the event we were caught was to split up and meet later and laugh about whatever we had done. Some went home, I came here.

It took a while to get to the shack but when I finally saw its roof through the treetops I knew I had finally made it. It was almost exactly the way it used to be. Moss, small tufts of grass and weeds were growing all over the roof and eaves of it. Although it was weird seeing the "S" in shack put on the building again. It was kind of nice seeing the old place fixed up. I come out of the tree line and make my way past some cars, trucks and a few tourists getting ready to leave. The familiar chime of the bell above the door rings out. Few in the store either don't notice or don't care to look over. I scan the room looking at all the unfamiliar faces of the tourists. I see in the middle of the store a crude stone carving of Stan. It made me giggle a little.

I hear quick footsteps come from a hallway leading in from the office. Soos sticks his head out of the door way and starts to gives his speech to the customer before noticing that it is me.

"Wendy? Dude how have you been? I haven't seen you since the end of summer." He give me a quick hug

"Yeah I know, sorry school has kept me busy."

I look him up and down, noticing the suit, fez and eye patch that he is wearing. "I don't think that I have ever seen you in a suit. You clean up nice Soos!"

"Thanks Wendy"

"So how have things been here, just you and Melody?" I ask him

" Yeah things have been great. Oh and it hasn't just been us."

"What do you...?"

Before I could inquire about what he had meant, Pacifica came around the corner of the hallway leading into the gift shop.

"Soos how do I get out paint from clothes?" Pacifica asks still looking down at the glob of paint on her dirty and worn shirt. She looks up to not only find Soos but Wendy.

"Pacifica?" I say more than a little surprised. I looked toward Soos only able to mutter "Wha... what?"

"What?" Pacifica questions as she looks back and forth between Wendy and Soos.

Soos starts to snicker "Ha ha ha ha. Sorry, that interaction just now and the look on your face was great!

I looked back to Pacifica to see a small grin form on her face as she begins laughing with Soos. "So what are you doing here? And where are your parents?" I ask

-"Well that is sort of a long story. I ended up running away from them."

-"Oh, well why come here?"

-"It was the first place I thought to go. We were living out in the woods in the limo because no other house in the area was suitable" She said in a snobby voice while mocking her father

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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