Reflection: Dipper

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First publication 3/7/16


We were still on our trip back from Gravity Falls. Mabel and Waddles had fallen asleep and were crushing me against the window. I didn't want to wake them up and It was kind of nice to have the calm silence outside of the sounds of the bus and the wind running across the window I was staring out. I felt the exhaustion finally began to take hold over me, my thoughts drifting away trailed by daydreams. I had been doing it more recently over the last few days we had in Gravity Falls. It wasn't the kind of day dreaming I'd do in class when I was board, this felt different. My mind felt more clear as if I was more in tune with a space separate from myself.

Even though bill had burned the journals, Gruncle Stan had made copies of all three and given them to me before we left, he and Ford were going to write new journals during their trip. I had learned more about the mindscape from a couple of pages in the journal. The pages talked about different ways in which to enter and or interact with the inhabitants of the mindscape. Of course there was the ritual that Gideon performed. But this page had other options, some of which surprised me. For example, there was one that required an elaborate setup involving a laundry list of things including chairs, mirrors and something about three kings or something.

There was one that caught my eye. Normal people come close to piercing the veil between the two dimensions but this method is It begins with daydreaming that leads into a meditative state of detachment that ends with a deep lucid like dream state. Ford had discovered this during his time with Bill. Basically I had to focus on the mindscape and on my thoughts. If I tried I would begin to feel something similar to when Bill came around without much work. This is supposed to be difficult to actual pull off taking a lot of time and practice or meditation. My guess as to why I am able to do this so easily is because, like Ford, i've spent a greater amount of time in it while interacting with Bill over the summer. Bill is out of the picture or so I hope, but there are still dangers while in the mindscape. The lesser demons and monsters that can get in your head. I guess this and some of the magics that Gideon learned in the second journal could come in handy somehow, I just need to keep practicing. What little I've tried so far has produced some interesting results. 

My attention shifts back into focus on my reflection as the bus jumps a pothole. I was chewing on my shirt. Regaining sense of myself I noticed I was still wearing Wendy's lumberjack hat. It's weird not having my truckers hat, but I liked. Her hat was warm, comfortable and it smelled like her.


I cringe at how weird that sounds. But then again, I'm a teenager now  so i guess i can blame puberty for now.

I look down to see the open note still in my hand. It means a lot to both Mabel and I that everyone would make us a card. I look over the names, most of them being some of the people we met during the summer and a few friends. Then I saw where Wendy singed. I smile but at the same time I kind of feel bad. Having feelings for someone that doesn't share the same for you sucks. But I can't help it. I look over the other names and see that Pacifica and Candy singed the letter too. I think over the memories of this summer reflecting on the time it took to get to know both of them and how much they grew as people.

Putting all my thoughts aside, I made an effort to be comfortable with the weight of Mabel and Waddles on me so I could get some sleep on the way home to Piedmont.

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