Uncertainty pt 1 (Candy)

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School started and after a few months there was a large break. Grenda invited me on a cruise ship voyage around the Bahamas with her boyfriend Marius Von Fundshauser. At first I was really happy and excited to go on this trip with them. My family and I never went on a lot of trips. Probably because we didn't have the time and money. We sailed past so many amazing sights, got to dive in the waters and see dolphins. 

I sometimes remember back to Pacifica's party where I first met him. Now I  laugh at the whole situation, the girls and I fighting over him. Even though I'm over him now it is still a bit awkward between us as I was the third wheel.  I sometimes laugh and worry about Marius, Grenda really does love him but she can be rough when it comes to showing her affection.

As amazing as this trip was there were a few things that bugged me. It was just us three and a hand full of servants. I was the third wheel the entire trip and after a while I got fed up with it. Grenda and Marius were always wrapped up with each other. Hearing her ooo and aww over all the stoic things he did and said. Frankly watching them make out was uncomfortable. I'm trying hard to not let it spoil the trip for me but with the overt PDA and jealousy because the fact that she has a boyfriend and I didn't made the trip hard to enjoy. Just a few more days until our trip was over, then I'd be back home. Although being alone would help much either

I have had no one to talk with about these thoughts about relationships. No one to help me sort out my feelings. As much as I love Grenda I can't go to her. Marius is her first boyfriend, just because she is in a relationship doesn't mean that she knows what she is doing. I would be met with a loud yell and a bear hug if I went to her with my feelings. I'm stuck to ponder things myself for now. Should I even bother myself with thoughts of a relationship or continue being single. This is so frustrating....

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