Regret: Pacifica

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First publication 3/11/2016 


It's been a few days since the events of Weirdmagedon. We had gone from the center of attention in gravity falls to nothing basically. My stupid father had invested all our money in weirdness bonds or something, and pledged his allegiance to bill. When we stopped bill from taking over the universe and things went back to normal, we had nothing, we were nothing. After regaining his sanity Magucket had bought our mansion with the money that he made off of the planes he sold to the U.S government. He is a very kind man and would probably have let us stay at our home but my father still kept the rich person mentality and he "wouldn't live under the same roof as a commoner".

Because of his ego we had been living in the woods, or rather the limo for a few days and I was getting fed up with it. We still had the money from the sale of the mansion but nothing was good enough for my parents. I had to get a way for a while, so I ran away one morning. They were horrible before but now that we were "homeless" they were unbearable with their constant complaining; I had to leave them while I still could. Instinctively I go to grab my phone for our driver, but then I stop myself. "Ugh, right we live in the limo." While my parents were out getting food I packed all the clothes I could and took a few handfuls of money into my bag. Unfortunately we had to get rid of a lot of our things. Limos are long, not wide. I had to be rational. If I couldn't wear them I had to leave them.

I started walking without thinking of where to go. I had to walk bare foot because The last good pair of shoes I had were too nice to stumble through the woods with. Let me just say that heals and mud don't work together. It took a lot of time to make it through the woods of gravity falls without shoes, having to watch every step  and walk lightly over the sharper pine needles. I could think of one place where I would be ok, the Mystery Shack. I sheltered there during weirdmagedon, it may have been the magical barrier and the Manotaur there with us but I had come to feel comfortable in that old shack. Out of everyone in Gravity Falls that I treated badly, I regretted being a complete brat towards the Pines family the most. Weirdmageddon brought everyone down to the same level. A feeling that I hadn't known my whole life until now. When we all had to hide out at the Mystery Shack in close quarters with everyone I considered weird and or a commoner. It really put things into perspective for me.

I wanted to make it up to them and to myself after learning what I did the night of our annual party at the mansion. My family history being a huge lie and my the members of my family in general being horrible people. For the longest time I was just as guilty them because I was just playing along. But Dipper showed me that I wasn't as bad as my family, that I could be a better person. He made me feel so much better and he really was amazing during the fight with the ghost. The way he knew how to catch it and... and.... My thoughts go to when he had caught the ghost and I hugged him for the first time. I thought that I had just been caught up in the moment but when he hugged me back I sorta melted. I might have feelings for that dork. I shake those thoughts off and continue on

I quickly made my way to the old place. I see the chimney of the shack and the familiar and catchy yet annoying sound of Strait Blanching by Little Big Dog.

"Looks like Soos held on to that CD." I say to my self

When we were held up in the mystery shack we didn't have much to do other than socialize with each other. Soos, to keep himself occupied, started to quietly singing the song to himself. The immediate reaction by a few of the people was to yell at him. He had told me about Wendy and her disdain for that song, she once threw his CD out of his truck window. She felt bad after a while and got him another CD with the promise to not play it when she was working at the Mystery Shack.

I ran up to the porch hoping to find him in the visitors section. Before I could reach the door I heard a "Sup dude" I look up to see him repairing the shack. It looked really good for previously being a fighting robot.

"Soos!" I shout part out of excitement and partly because I had to compete with Little Big Dog blasting on the radio.

He reached over to turn off the radio and slid down the ladder, like you would see in movies.

"Soos the place looks great"

It still had a way to go but still

"Thanks, After Mr Pines and Ford left its just been Melody me and occasionally Wendy. I wanted this place to look like it did before the fight with Bill. It was pretty sweet as a robot but I like the old shack better."

A thought flashed through my head. This could be my chance to make a better impression.

-Hey Soos, do you need help?

- Actually yeah that would be great. Melody has been inside working on the place. It would be nice having an extra set of hands.

"I don't know how to do a lot things, I never had to do anything like this at the mansion."

I honestly hated doing manual labor, but I didn't see a lot of options for me. I had to get a place to stay and a way to make some money. I knew that what I had would run out at some point. I felt bad because Soos could do all kinds of things but I knew next to nothing about general maintenance. I wouldn't be of much help but I had to try.

"No problem, you learn as you go. That's how I did it. Ok, let's start with something simple. I'm going to work on fixing this wall. Can you paint the stack of boards over there?"

"I guess I can try"

"That's the spirit." Soos cheered


Soos and I had started in a few hours and a few broken nails ago. It was evening now and I was filthy, disgusting and exhausted. I was sweating like... well.... waddles. Soos and I stepped back to see the work we had done. It wasn't much but parts of the shack looked better than it did. We had worked on getting the tourist section and the house part of the shack back in perfect shape.

"So how was your first day of work?"

"It was really hard but it was oddly satisfying."

-"I know how that feels. That's part of why I love my job. Thanks for the help Pacfica. It's nice to have someone to work with. Hey would you like to help more and maybe work here when the place is fixed."

"That would be great! Although I don't have a place to stay. I kind of ran away from my parents."

"So that's the situation."

 He said as he rubs the back of his head. "Well I would offer you Mabel and Dipper's old room but it's really messy and still needs some work. You can stay in Fords old room."



This was amazing, I would finally have a comfortable place to sleep tonight!

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