Regret part 2 Pacifica

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First publication 3/19/16 

I didn't really have much of build. Because of our servants at the mansion did all the chores around the  place. I hardly worked out other than to "keep up my image" as my mom would always say. She was always so obsessed with looks.

It had been a week since I started helping Soos at the shack. I didn't like feeling all sweaty, my nails were always dirty and scratched but I was slowly getting use to manual labor. Soos had been teaching me a few skills that helped in the process of repairing the shack, but it was still taking me a while. Thankfully Manly Dan would come by sometimes to help and give us advice. At first glance I just saw a huge lumbering man but now that I had a chance to talk with him I see that all the ferociousness is just for his kids. We had gotten the shack up and running shortly after he started coming by. 

Mr. Pines and his brother had left before I even showed up, something about exploring the Bermuda Triangle. So Soos was the new manager of the Mystery Shack along with Melody his girlfriend, she took over for Wendy now that the summer was over. I chose not to attend school, even though I had changed, my notoriety hadn't. 

News that the old shack had been fixed up and under new management attracted a new wave of visitors. People from around town as well as large groups of tourists that hadn't yet heard of the cheap and fake attractions of the old shack were enticed by the new refurbished look and new variety of attractions, except this time things weren't an illusion. This wasnt like a normal "Mystery spot" or tourist attraction. The new attractions that we had in the shack were actually real. Weirdmagedon opened all of our eyes to the secrets and wonder of gravity falls. We fought alongside the creatures that lived here. This information would have been a really good selling point but the "Never mind all that act" presented by the new mayor made us all think about the potential consequences of not keeping this aspect of gravity falls a secret. We got lucky when Ford managed to wipe the memory of the government agents. We all knew that our attractions were the real deal but the people coming in from outside of town didn't. We kept the illusion up to keep things running.

After our work for the day was over I flopped down on the old couch in my room and let out a big sigh. The sun was setting through the stained glass window. Some of it was refracting through this cool looking prism on the dresser creating soft multi colored lights that casted across the room. I laid there for a while staring at it. Soos had found a few old records and stuff in Stan's old office so we played them while we worked. Soos would go on about the different kinds of music he liked, most of it being bands that I had never heard of.  I was able to let my thoughts wonder, thinking about my parents for the first time in a while. It was something that I tried to avoid. Part of me felt bad for leaving them but at the same time I felt it was for the best. I had to live in that toxic and abusive environment for so long. It felt so good to finally be out of it. I knew that at one point I had to come to terms with my decisions but at the moment I didn't want to ruin it for myself.

I quickly let those thoughts fade. Replacing them with thoughts of my new life. At least for the moment being here with Soos and Melody made me feel so much better. My thoughts then lead to the events of this summer and thoughts of Mabel and Dipper. I feel a small knot form in my stomach. I feel awful for treating them so badly. I wanted them here right now so I could apologize and clear my conscience. They were the most genuine people I had ever met. I wanted them back In my life.

Eventually I cried myself to sleep over everything.


I was back in the room Dipper and I had found behind the painting in our mansion. I was sitting with my back to an old crate, staring at my feet, turning my flashlight on and off.





When I turn it off again I feel Dippers presence next to me. I can tell that he is concerned without even looking at him. I avoid looking at him out of shame, keeping my gaze lowed.





The next thing I know I am in his embrace. I'm surprised at first but then I melt into him. I feel like all the stress and mental fog lift at once. Before closing my eyes I hear the ghost drift by the hallway past the painting.

I woke up holding my pillow, sad that my dream ended so shortly. I had been thinking about Dipper a lot lately. And the more I thought about him the more I felt myself falling for him. I wanted him..... but I knew that I didn't deserve to have him after the things I had done. He made me want to be a better person. So I took to learning from Soos how to better adjust to living like a normal kid, in hopes of becoming someone that he would like. Seeing as Soos acted like a kid. He introduced me to the foods he liked and the shows that he watched. Something called anime. Some of the shows were weird and colorful. I wasn't sure whether I liked it or not but it was nice to sit down and watch it with Soos and Melody at the end of the day. It wasn't so much what show we were watching more so the fact that I had people to spend time with that actually cared about me. I'm not sure if Dipper likes the stuff that Soos likes but for now this is all I have to work with.

Dippers Chance At A Summer RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now