Chapter 6 Kai Parker

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Kai's POV:
2015 Prison World
"I've changed Bonnie,I'm not the violent Kai you used to know. I know you must hate me but all of Josette's goodness is inside of me now." I pleaded with Bonnie

"Yes all of her goodness may be in you but do you really believe her goodness outweighs your darkness?. Kai,in my opinion you should rott in this hell hole for all eternity and that's the report I'm going to give the ancestors. The choice will be theirs. But i hope you rot." Bonnie said with a single tear going down her cheek.

I wasn't suprised at her words. I have done horrible things to her, when i first met her she was the equivalent of friendliness but after i tortured, hurt,and repeated all of that she changed.

Suddenly pain flinched through my head. It was an aneurysm, any witch's top pain inflicting spell.

"Kai Parker, it is time for your judgement" several voices said

"Kai...i choose to forgive you if you prove that you have changed" this time i saw one of the voices, Josette!!

She soon vanished and all the voices started speaking again. "You have three months to prove you are good, once a month miss Bennett will come for inspection. You are to travel to New Orleans,your coven is wrecking havok you must put a stop to it. But you must also build a social life so that we can see your behaviour around others

"T-thank you" I managed to mumble before I got lost in my thoughts.

Did Josette really forgive me?


Ok i know everyone likes bad Kai but i promise you will see some of that Kai Resurface but also a softer side of him

Please like and share my story and please post some ideas

Chapter picture :Kai Parker

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