Chapter 15 Please survive

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Hope's POV:
New Orleans Hospital
It's been a few days since my episode, Phenyo's in the hospital. She's still sleeping and we've tried magic but her body only rejects it. Aunt Freya says she needs to heal naturally. I visit her everyday and Kai and I haven't spoken since the kiss

I was sitting next to Phenyo's bed when i heard a faint voice " look like shit" Phenyo gave a slight laugh and fell asleep again. It was true I did look bad, no make-up and my hair was a mess

Klaus's POV:
The Abattoir
"You're leaving?" I asked Marcel irritated

" Look Klaus i have some vampire business to take care of, I'll be back in a week. Rebekah is staying here though, she refuses to leave with Maria on the loose" Marcel said rudely

When that boy turned and kissed MY daughter that wench Maria escaped. Marcel's vampire business is probably just things to do with finding Maria.

" Fine, go then " I said whilst ushering Marcel out of the Abattoir. "Freya! Where's Hope?"I called to Freya, she was standing at the inside balcony of the Abattoir.

" She's going out tonight, and before you say no she's going with Davina and Kai so she will be safe" Freya grinned at me, I'm astonished she knows me so well considering that she wasn't with us our whole lives. Only because of our Mother's sister Dahlia who had Freya with her. Dahlia allowed Freya to live planning to use her to brand a new form of power which she would absorb from the powerful Freya, casting a spell on her that causes her to hibernate for a hundred years to preserve her youth and to only age for a year upon awakening which is also presumably what Dahlia has done to preserve herself as well. Freya escaped from under Dahlia's wing and fled from our powerful aunt. Luckily we took care of Dahlia when we discovered that Freya didn't die as a child

I only grunted in response to Freya's answer

Hope's POV:
Davina's apartment
" Are you excited to see Kai tonight " I knew Phenyo probaly asked Davina to find out.

"We'll yes, we haven't spoken since the kiss and it's been a week. Davina I know he's got a dark past but i really do like him" I said as my eyes started to tear up

"No way, no way. You ain't gonna cry girl tonight you girls should go have fun" I sensed Phenyo contact me telepathically. Before I could answer she fell asleep again

She was right! Tonight we're going to have some fun!

Kai's POV:
Rockstarz nightclub
I was walking around looking for Hope and Davina, they invited me to join the party but the only thing i wanted to do is kiss Hope again.. I haven't heard from her since our kiss but I knew tonight would be the perfect opportunity to tell her how I feel. Then it hit me like a bus, yeah i totally just referenced Mean Girls but you should have seen her,Hope was walking through the crowd to my direction. She was having a bit of a hard time pushing through the crowd but she made it. She looked gorgeous

" Hey" I barely managed to say. I gave her a hug and a quick peck on the cheek. To my surprise she only blushed.

"Hey Kai.." She said staring into my eyes." Davina went to get our drinks"

The night kept going and it was great. Hope danced with me several times and Davina left with some guy named Josh, witch business apparently but I didn't care because it meant it was going to be just me and Hope.

Sadly the night had to end because Hope drank to much. I didn't judge her, I knew she was going through a hard time.

"Listen Hope I think you should crash at my place tonight. You won't make it home in your condition" I asked politely

" Yeah your right" Hope muttered

Hope's POV:
Kai's Apartment
When we got to Kai's place i was really tired, Kai told me I could have his bed and that he would take the couch. Kai first went into his room and when he got out he was in his sleeping boxers. I started blushing immediately i had no Idea what a great body he had. As I laid in bed i saw Kai was extremely uncomfortable on the couch and i felt incredibly guilty. I borrowed one of Kai's shirts as I walked to him, i didn't want him to see me in my undies. I switched the living room light on so i would be able to see him

" Kai" I whispered " Come to bed, this couch is obviously uncomfortable "

" You sure? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable " He said sleepingly

" Yeah come on" I whispered

                       Kai Parker

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Kai Parker

When we were on the bed Kai whispered to me " Hope I really like you. More than you know.

" I really like you too" I admitted

"Good" Kai said smiling. I felt his lips press against mine, the feeling was indescribable. " Night Hope" He said before kissing me again. He turned the lamp of and held me in his arms. We fell asleep like that.

Awwww guys, aren't Kai and Hope cute. Should a turn this into a love triangle?? If so, with who?

Guys please also check out my new book, Starting over.

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Chapter picture: Klaus Mikaelson

The Originals:Demise (Book 1 In The Hope Mikaelson Story Series)Where stories live. Discover now