Hate You Love, FILCH

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They walked down the marble staircase leading to the entry hall, more excited than ever... Until they saw Argus Filch and his nasty cat walking up towards them.

"What the!.." Filch exclaimed. "What are you twits doing here?!?"

The kids looked at him like he was crazy.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Filch said, clearly realizing why they were looking at him like that. "What I meant to say was 'What are you kids doing here so early!?!"

That apparently didn't do much good to the situation.

"Dumbledore requested that we come early," said Annelise, being as polite as she could to this twit (which wasn't very polite). "We're part of the Battle of the Houses."

"Oh," said Filch, clearly not caring much. "Well, when you do those challenges, don't get hurt..."

The kids started thinking that he was trying to be nice.

"...Cause then I'll have to clean it up."

Faithlynn made a face at him, trying to hold back what she really wanted to say (which is not appropriate for this situation, no matter how rude Filch was being).

"I hate him so much," Ashtin said as they walked out the great Oak Doors.

"I know," said Robert. But at least he's not a teacher. Which reminds me, I hope Snape's not teaching this year."

And the four kids walked down the the front steps, all with disgusted looks on their faces.

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