Hey mr. prick ~18~

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Yay, another chapter. Well I have nothing else to say but to vote, comment and be a fan ! I love you people ! <3

Read On !!! (This chapter is edited) ilovemangos is the best ! She made this chapter awesome!




“Aw.” I groaned and raised my hand, bringing it down, hard, on the alarm clock. The crashing sound and the clocks lack of incessant noise informed me that it was broken. Oops?

Someone was knocking on the door, well more like trying to break the door. The door shook with the heavy blows. Couldn’t a girl have some peace and quiet whilst trying to sleep? Obviously not.

“Rose Evans, wake up.” Jess screamed from outside as she continued to abuse the door. I groaned, again, and hid under the pillows. It only helped to block out the persistent noise a little.

“Go away.” I screamed but it came out as a muffle. I was not a morning person. Thankfully, my back had healed from the last morning incident, and, to be honest, I had hoped for a better morning.

“Don’t make me come in there.” Jess threatened and I gulped. Uh-oh. She wouldn’t, would she? Wait, this was Jess, of course she would.

I remained silent and heard the door open. Vaguely, I wondered how it was still alive from the beating it took. I kept my eyes closed and suddenly Jess started jumping on the bed. I clenched my jaw and took the pillow off of my head, my body bouncing along with her.

“Do you mind?” I asked her, my vision blurred a little, “I’m sleeping here.” I told her, exasperated, and she just rolled her eyes as if I was the dramatic one. I probably was, but I wanted to sleep.

“Well pumpkin, your prince charming is waiting downstairs so… DRAG YOUR ASS UP AND GO GET DRESSED. Oh and good morning!” She screamed and I had to cover my ears; her voice was louder than the stupid alarm clock. I bet she woke the whole neighborhood.

“Fine, fine,” I mumbled, getting up. Sleep was still evident though as I swung one leg over the edge of my bed and, just as slowly, I proceeded to do the same with the other. Jess just rolled her eyes at my antics.

“Morning.” I yawned before I collected my clothes and took a nice, long shower. Well it was nice before Jess started banging on that door too, making me jump. What did she want now!?

“ARE YOU OKAY? DID YOU DROWN?” she screamed, exaggerating, and I rolled my eyes. No, but I’ll drown you if you don’t be quiet, I thought to myself whilst rinsing the shampoo out of my hair. Sometimes, she’s SO annoying and acts like a child.

“No, there’s a mouse in here.” I rolled my eyes and got dressed as quickly as possible. I opened the bathroom door to see Jess standing right outside it with her hands on her hips.

Hey Mr.Prick. It's NOT a pleasure to meet you!Where stories live. Discover now