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Danae POV

**Its been two years since my life went to shit. The only good thing that came out of this was Kaine, Dre and Hazel. Dre is 4 years old now and big as hell, and Hazel is 2 years old and both of them are spoiled as hell. Kash and I no longer talk but she stays commenting on any picture I post on IG. Her and Ty are still together and he still doesn't know about how foul she was, but that was none of my business though.Kaine thinks we needs to squash this but I'm done with people who fuck me over. As for Keenon or should I say YG, he just dropped his album and it's doing really well. He's on tour right now and the kids miss him like crazy. He calls them every morning and every night, and Dre never fails to be the first to pick up the phone. The kids and I moved back to California because it's closer to Keenon and for my personal reasons it's closer to Kaine as well. I work for the company PETA, and I model as well, and the kids and I are living lavish. Right now I'm on my way to pick Dre up from school/daycare and Hazel is in the backseat asking five thousand questions.

Hazel: But why?

Danae: I don't know baby.

Hazel: But why?

Danae: Hazel why would I know if nipples taste like chocolate chips?

Hazel: (shrugs) Just asking...

Danae: (pulling up in the pick up line) Come on Dre don't take all day.

Dre: (running up to the car, opening the passenger side)

Danae: Hey. Nope you know better. Get in the back.

Dre: (sighs,getting in the back)

Danae: (pulling off) How was you day boo?

Dre: Okay I guess. I got a yellow...

Danae: Why?(looks at him through the mirror)

Dre: Because my teacher told me to go clean up some mess that I didn't even make, so I told her no and she put me on yellow.

Danae: Dre you know better. You don't act like that at home, so why do you think it's okay to act like that at school?

Dre: Daddy said don't make anybody do something you don't want to do.

Danae: (rolls her eyes, and talks under her breath) Ima kill that negro.

Dre: Huh?

Danae: Nothing. And I don't care what your dad said I don't want you acting like that ever. You hear me.?

Dre: Yes.

Danae: Good. (Pulling into the driveway) Now go inside and freshen up because we're going to dinner with Kaine tonight.

Dre: Okay.

I helped Hazel out the car and she ran inside after Dre. That girl is always tryna keep up with him and everything he does. I went up to my room and looked at my fresh hair. I decided to try something new so I dyed it dark brown with light highlights and I like it. I took a quick shower, then wanded my hair and did my make up and allat other stuff girls do to be extra. After I was done getting ready, I went and checked on Dre who was in his room playing the game.

Danae: Hey bud.

Dre: (pauses the game and looks at her) Hey Ma. You look pretty.

Danae: (smiles) Thank you baby. Where's your sister?

Dre: (whispers) She's under the bed...she doesn't think I know....but I'm not stupid.

Danae: (laughs) Well we're about to go.

After I said that Hazel got from under the bed and ran downstairs. Dre put his shoes back on and went downstairs too. I grabbed my purse and the keys to my white BMW and we were on our way out. Before I could even step foot out the door I was stopped by Keenon who looked like he was about to ring my doorbell. Dre and Hazel ran up to him happy to see him but I still got sick to my stomach every time I saw him. He picked both Hazel and Dre up and gave me a weak smile.

Keenon: Hey Danae.

Danae: Yeah. What are you doing here?

Keenon: Well I thought I would surprise the kids. And it looks to me that you guys were just about to head out...

Danae: Yeah actually we were.

Dre: I wanna chill with Dad.

Hazel: Yeah Dad!

Keenon: If it's okay with your mom it's 🅱ool with me...

Danae: Yeah it's okay...If they really want to its fine.

Keenon: Okay well we'll be at my house. I'll call you later.

Danae: Yeah...Don't.

I walked off and got in my car, driving off. I was glad to see the kids happy to see him but I hated when he made me look like "the bad guy". I pulled up to California Pizza Kitchen, and walked in and saw Kaine sitting at a table on his phone. I walked over to him and made him look up at me and pecked his lips.

Kaine: (smiles) Finally. Where's the little munchkins?

Danae: (sits down in front of him) Well "YG" came and surprised them.

Kaine: Oh. You good?

Danae: Yeah I'm good. I'm just happy that they were happy to see him.

Kaine: Well I'm glad you're okay because I have somebody who came along with me who wants to talk to you...

Danae: Who?

Kash: (coming around the corner) Me.

Danae: (looks at both of them) Are you serious?

Kaine: You guys need to talk.

Danae: Actually we don't. I have nothing say to her. She fucked my ex, then had the nerve to be in my face like it didn't happen and on top of it I had to find out from TMZ.

Kash: Danae it was 2 years ago. Let it the fuck go.

Danae: (stands up) Let it go? How about I go fuck Ty and see just how pissed you get afterwards. Or maybe I can just tell him just how fucking foul you are.(getting in her face) Take your fucking pick because either way you'll get hurt and that's all I really want.

Kash: Why did I even bother. You're just as hard headed as I remember. I've been trying for two years to make things right with you and-gco-

Danae: Save it! I don't want to hear anything that comes out of your mouth, because whatever it is its bullshit. Just like our friendship.(grabbing her purse) Kaine you are just as foul as she is for pulling this shit. I guess it runs in the family.(looking them both up and down, then walks out)

I was beyond pissed off about this whole situation. I can't believe that Kaine thought all of this was okay, and the fact that Kash thought I was going to forget what she did to me. I was speeding down the highway, angry as hell. My phone was buzzing in the cup holder and it was Kaine, but I ignored every call, not wanting to hear anything he had to say. I got on the main road and stopped at a red light, and then I saw some old guy come up to my window, and knock. I thought he was a homeless guy so I rolled down the window and when I did he pointed a gun at me a pulled the trigger, leaving me there sitting in my own blood, gripping my stomach.

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