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A/N: Sooo...I think I'm going to finish this book and then stop writing books altogether. And I will most likely delete Till the End too....so yeah. Enjoy the rest of this book.(P.S. This isn't for certain, just giving a heads up if I don't write another book...)

Keenon POV

**I saw Danae hit the floor and I shot up off the couch and went over to her. I sat her up and she was limp and fully unconscious. I picked her up and ran to the car and got her in the passenger seat, then I ran back in the house and got all the kids and into the car. They saw Danae in the passenger seat and kept trying to wake her but when she didn't is when they really started to panic. I was lowkey panicking too but I knew if I showed it these kids would be even more worried.

I just sped to the hospital and ignored their never ending questions. I pulled up to the emergency room and carried Danae inside, while the kids just followed behind me. Some nurses and a doctor came and took her away on a stretcher, while the kids and I just waited in the waiting room. Hazel was sitting on my lap, Dre was sitting to the right of me and Amina had her head laid on my lap asleep. I had a million thoughts running through my head, and I just wanted to know how and why this happened. About an hour later, the same Doctor that followed Danae's stretcher came into the waiting room and walked towards us. I laid a now sleeping Hazel on the chairs and told Dre to wait there while I talked to the doctor.

Keenon: (walks up to the doctor) Alright doc...tell me what's going on.

Doc: Well Danae mildly overdosed on two types of strong medication and is currently in a coma. Which means that she's obviously not responding, but you are more than welcome to go and see her. She's just down this hall and second door to the right.

Keenon: (looking shocked) O--Okay...Thank you.(walks off and grabs Mina and Hazel, then grabs Dre's hand)

After I grabbed the kids we went to Danae's room and she was just laying there, hooked up to all types of beeping machines. How did his happen? How many pills did she actually take, and was intentional? These thoughts shuffled through my mind, and I felt like I was going to lose it. I laid Mina and Hazel in the big chair that was next to the bed and Dre just stood and looked at Danae. I grabbed him and sat him on my lap and that's when I noticed he had tears running down his face.

Keenon: Come on man.(wiping Dre's tears) Don't start crying on me now.

Dre: (sniffing) Sorry....why is Mom have to be in here? Did she die?

Keenon: No, No, No. Mommy is going to be okay and we are going to make sure of that. Mommy just needs to get better because of a small mistake. Aight?

Dre: (nods his head) Okay...Can she hear me?

Keenon: I don't think so man. But you can talk to her if you want to. Maybe that will speed up her recovery....

Dre: (nods and gets down and walks over to Danae and grabs her hand) Mom I just want you to know that we're all here and I will make sure to tell Auntie Sage that you're here. I love you so much Mommy and when you get better I will make sure that you never, ever, ever get sick again.(climbs on the bed and lays down with her, with his hand rested on her face)

After Dre's little talk with Danae I got up and walked into the bathroom that was connected to the room and sat on the toilet for a minute. I'm not gon lie and say that what Dre just did, didn't almost have me crying because it did. I got myself together and walked back out and this time all the kids were knocked out, so I took this time to call Sage and tell her what happened.

She made it to the hospital in no time at all and she was in tears when she got here. Tre couldn't stay long because he "had business to take care of" but I know he being real foul. We try to tell Sage all the time but she refuses to believe it. She'd rather think that he's changed with her in denial ass. Sage and Mina left but I stayed my black ass in that hospital room. It was really quiet and all I wanted to do at this moment was kiss Danae and have her kiss back. I scooted my chair closer to her bed and grabbed her hand and held it in my hand.

Keenon: (sighs and kisses her hand) Danae please get better and get better soon...Hazel don't even know what going on, but you know Dre got all types of questions. He's actually laying on you right now as we-Well I speak. Danae what ever caused this to happen I'm sorry. If this attempted overdose was intentional we can make whatever it is wrong right. Just please don't leave us yet Danae, please don't leave us hanging....(let's a tear fall,but wipes it quickly) You remember when you were pregnant with Hazel you were so scared to tell me because of all the issues you thought we would have?(chuckles) Then when you finally told me you didn't expect me to be so happy about it...(sniffs, and cries a little, with her hand rested on his face)


Keenon POV

**The kids and I were just playing around the house, not even caring about the mess we've made. We were playing tag, but I stopped running which made Dre fall because he was running behind me since Hazel was 'it' this time. My phone rang so I went over to the kitchen counter and answered the number I didn't recognize, but it could've been business and I wasn't taking any chances.

When I answered the phone it was Danae's Doctor and he was telling me that Danae was responding and awake! I was being happy about this news. The kids and I missed her so much and to finally hear her say my name again had me geeked! I hung up the phone and got the kids and myself ready to head out to the hospital. Once we got in the car I started driving, and decided to call Sage to let her know Danae was awake.

We got to the hospital and we went straight to her room, and there she was wide awake, looking at us with her big, brown eyes. I went to go hug and kiss her but she looked at me confused and leaned back. When the kids tried to be all on her she looked unamused and unhappy to see us.

Keenon: Danae why acting funny?(looking confused)

Dre: Yeah mommy we missed you!

Danae: Um...how do you know me and who are you?

Dre: Mommy its me! Dre!(looking confused)

Keenon: Danae it's us....

Danae: I'm sorry but none of you look familiar...

Keenon: What the fuck?(goes and finds the doctor) Yo doc! We just went to see Danae and she has no idea who I am or who our kids are...

Doc: Yes well...you hung up before I could give you this detail...

Keenon: What detail doc?


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