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Okay so I decided to change Danae's character just because I like this girl better, and the other one I chose in chapter one of this book looked fake and overdone. So yeah....She's in the MM...👌🏽

Desmond POV

**I was sitting in a holding cell waiting to get bailed out. I called one of my best niggas because I knew he would come through for me, but he was taking all damn day to get here. About 10 more minutes later an officer came and got me. I saw him waiting for me but before I could leave an officer behind the front desk told me my court date and allat bullshit. I just waved her off and walked out, heading to my friends car. I got in the passenger seat and he got in and drove off.

Me and this nigga had some mad plans for Danae and Keenon because now that lil nigga is making money I still need to get mine. The man I'm working with was Keenon's old boss from when he was still dealing and shit, King. I paid him 20 million just for him to help me with this and it was well worth it because this nigga was almost as 🅱razy as I was. We headed to his warehouse and walked in, and to his office. When I walked in behind King I saw some short, girl in there messing around on a computer and she was concentrating like hell. Every time she found something she would write it down in this yellow notepad.

King: Jaide you find anything?

Jaide: Yeah. I found out where both Danae and Keenon stay at. I found out where their oldest son goes to school, and I found out where Danae works and where Keenon's next stop on his tour was.

King: Good work Jaide.(throwing two stacks of money at her)

Jaide: It's my job.(catching the money)

Jaide left and we decided to carry out the plan when it was least expected because after tonight I'm sure they are both keeping a close eye out for anything that looks sus. I went back to my house in Malibu and I saw a note on my front door. I just tore it off and walked inside turning the lights on, then reading it. "I told you to stay the fuck away from us, didn't I? I can see now that you don't listen so watch out and watch out close because it would be a shame if the breaks in you car went out, or if you don't lock all of your windows in your house. Just be prepared because I already warned you once..."

I chuckled at the words written down, and crumbled it up throwing it away. These lil niggas didn't wanna see me, but if they kept fucking with me they were going to get fucked up real quick. I took my black ass to bed, and didn't give that note another thought.


Danae POV

**I was out the hospital and it was time to get back to reality. My alarm went off and it was 6:00 in the morning. I went to Dre's room and got him up and ready for school, and I did the same for Hazel because she goes to daycare until I get off work. After I got them ready and downstairs for breakfast, I went and got ready for work. I put on some jeans, a tan leotard, and my faded pink trench coat I got for my 18th birthday. And yup you damn right I kept it because I fell in love with it from the day I saw it so fuck it, and if Keenon got something to say about then fuck him too. I even kept the shoes he got me and that's what I finished the outfit off with.

I split my hair down the middle, then put it into a slicked back ponytail. I grabbed my beige Birkin Bag and made my way downstairs. Dre and Hazel were sitting at the table eating cereal, and once they were done and put their stuff in the sink we made our way out, and to the car. I got them in then myself, and drove off, taking Dre to school first, then Hazel to her daycare program thing. I drove to work, and I already know I had a shit load of work to do considering the fact I missed a whole week. I walked inside and straight to my office and just as I thought file, after file, after file was piled on my desk. I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly and got straight to work.

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