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Keenon POV

**Hazel was in her room taking a nap and Dre and I were just chillin in the living room, eating wings and fries. Right now he was just telling me how Kaine was treating everybody, and I honestly still had my heart and mind set on getting back together with her.

Dre: I mean he's okay I guess but sometimes I wish you and Mom were together.

Keenon: Yeah. Me too little man and I have big plans for your Mom and I. You just focus on making sure the guy she's with right now is treating her right. Aight?

Dre: (smacking on fries)Yeah I got it.

Keenon: And quit smacking nigga. You eat just like your Mom.

Dre: Like what? I'm over here chewing like a normal person...

Keenon: Nah you smacking like you ain't ate since 1960(laughing)

Dre: (laughing)

Dre and I finished eating and I got him in the tub and in my bed. Then I went to get Hazel and put her in my room because I was missing my kids so much it was 🅱razy. Dre was sleeping next to me and somehow Hazel ended up laying on my chest and hugging me tight, but I didn't mind. I tried calling Danae but I kept getting no answer and I was real confused because when I had Dre and Hazel she was the one usually blowing MY phone up. I figured she was out with her nigga so I brushed it off and went to sleep.

Unknown POV

**I grabbed Danae and drug her to my car and threw her in the backseat. She was still alive, but not alive enough to fight me off. I didn't give a damn either way. I got in the drivers seat and sped off before any ambulance or police could show up. I made my way to my house, and when I got there I drug Danae out of the backseat and inside. I took her straight to the basement and tied her up to a chair because if I didn't get answers then she was going to pay even more than she already has.

Unknown: Listen and listen good. We're gonna play a game and if you don't play right then things will go left real fast. You understand?

Danae: (nods her head)

Unknown: Good. Now let's start. Where are you and your family located?

Danae: Sorry I don't like 20 questions. I'm not ratting anybody out. Especially for you. You already wet me up, so do whatever hell you want because I'm far from a snitch. I have my own fucking problems, and I don't need to be bothered by your old ass.

Unknown: (takes a deep breath, then punches her jaw)

Danae: (spitting blood out her mouth)That the best you got? My four year old hits harder than you and he's a Mama's Boy.

Unknown: (chuckles) You know what? You real bold and you got heart. I can respect that.

Before I could say anything else several police officers busted in and handcuffed me. I saw another police officer untie Danae and they saw she was shot and took her out the house. As they were taking me to the police car I saw them putting Danae on a stretcher and in the back of an ambulance. My business with her wasn't done, this wouldn't be our last meeting and I can promise that.

Keenon POV

**I was in a deep sleep when my phone started buzzing on the nightstand. It took me a while to wake up but I finally did but I didn't recognize the number. I just ignored the call and went back to sleep but my shit kept ringing. I finally picked it up and I let it be known that I was pissed.

Keenon: What?! Who the fuck is this?!

Paramedic: Um hi....Is this a family member of Danae Magdaleno?

Keenon: (moves Hazel and sits up) Yeah. Why? Is she okay?

Paramedic: Um well she was shot, and lost a lot of blood.

Keenon: (sighs) Shit. Okay I'm on my way. (Hangs up)

After I hung up and I figured she was close to her house, so I went to the hospital closest to her house in San Bernardino. I grabbed Hazel and Dre and made my way to the car, strapping them in the backseat. I sped off and my heart rate was on a thousand right now. Only the Lord knows how Danae got shot and why, but she better be okay because I would go 🅱razy if she wasn't.

I swerved into a parking spot and picked up Dre and Hazel who were still sleeping in the back. I hauled ass inside and asked for her at the front desk but they said she was in surgery right now. They had me wait in the waiting room, and Kaine was already in there staring at the wall in front of him. When he looked up at me he mugged me but this wasn't the time for me to beat a mark ass nigga's ass. I sat down and patiently waited for a doctor to come and tell me how Danae was doing. A couple hours later a doctor walked into the room and called out Danae name and both Kaine and I rushed over to him.

Doctor: Are the both you family?

Kaine&Keenon: Yes.

Doctor: Okay...Well Danae was shot in her ribs. The bullet was very close to her lungs, but not close enough to penetrate it. She's in recovery right now but only one at a time in the room please. She's down this hallway, last door on the right.

The doctor walked off and I took my black ass straight to the room, not giving a damn what Kaine had to say about it. I walked in and laid the kids down because these little niggas could sleep through anything and that was obvious. I sat next to Danae's bed and just looked at her. I know we aren't together but this woman and I have been through hell and back together, and I was usually the one dragging her there. It was hard to believe that she was already 20, because it seemed like yesterday I was planning her 18th birthday party. I smiled at the thought and that's when she woke up and looked disgusted to see me.

Danae: (sitting up) Who the fuck let you in here?

Keenon: I let myself in. The kids are over there.(pointing at them)

Danae: (looks at them) Okay well you can leave now.

Keenon: (sighs) Danae how did this happen? Who did this to you?

Danae: Keenon I'm in a lot of pain, I'm pissed, my jaw is throbbing like hell, and you're the last person I want to see.

Keenon: Danae just tell me who did this?

Danae: Keenon it doesn't matter! Just leave!

Keenon: I'm not leaving until you tell me!

Danae: Desmond!! Your punk ass father did this to me! Why? I don't fucking know! Whatever you did to him you better fucking fix it, because if my kids get into the mix I will fucking kill you and that's a promise! Now leave!!

Keenon: (gets up and storms out the room)

I stormed out of the room and went to my car. I didn't know where this nigga was but wherever he was I was going to kill with my bare fucking hands. I know exactly what this shit was about. He never got his money, and the last thing I wanted was for Danae to even get caught up in this mess, now she was and I had no choice but to end it.

Officially YG••His Name Was Keenon Sequel••Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ