Hoodie boy.

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Sadik delivered the order to a hooded man. Yes. A hooded man. Not Robin Hood or Kylo Ren or some shit. All he saw was some white hair.
Maybe he was some old guy who was trying to be a gangster?

He sighed and went back to the counter to talk to Heracles. Heracles laughed.
"I'm waiting for him to pull down his hoodie and say he's the author of the three journals."
"You Gravity Falls trash." Sadik couldn't help but laugh though.
That was a good one.

Heracles rested his head in his arms on the counter.
"What a slow day."
"I know."

They looked around. There wasn't much people. The hooded guy, some black haired person with a ponytail, and some blonde women. One skinny and one chubby. The two girls looked like the ones from his dream...

The hooded stranger stood and walked to Heracles and Sadik.
"Hey... Ah. Sadik?" He asked Heracles. "No. This is Patrick." The hooded guy sighed and turned to Sadik.
"Yes? This is Sadik."
"Can I talk to you?"

Sadik finally saw the man's face.
White hair. Pale. Red eyes.
He didn't notice that the guy began to talk about Antonio.

"Antonio... He..."


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