Chapter 11• Punching makes Every Thing Better

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"I've always liked it here." I said gazing at the lovely plants and tropical birds around it hardly feeling the eeriness of the place.

I looked over at Mr.Gibbs who smiled at me and tried to ignore the presence of William next to me as we rowed along.

"Why is Jack afraid of the ocean?" Will asked. And I wondered too. Why was my brother afraid?

"Well if you believe such things," Mr.Gibbs started. "Apparently there's a beast that does he bidding of Davy Jones. A fearful monster with gigantic tentacles that can suction your face clean off." I stiffened at the mention of this and I felt Will's curious gaze on me as he had felt me tense.

"And drag an entire ship into the darkness." He made a fierce dragging motion with his hands.

"The kraken..." I whispered eyes wide. Mr.Gibbs nodded.
"Aye, the kraken." The Pirates turned around with a fearful look but Will seemed confused.

"They say the stink of it's breath..."Mr.Gibbs shivered. "Imagine the last thing you hear on God's green earth is the mighty roar and stench of a thousand rotting corpses."

A silence passed over us. I had come to realization of what Jack was really afraid of.

It's been 13 years, my brother had the Black Mark.
I groaned putting my head in my hands once again in more worry than I had been for him.

"And the key will spare him that?" Will asked an eyebrow raised.

"Aye, at least Jack hopes. Hopes enough, to come to her..."


• • • • •

A few hours later I woke up from a nap being shaken gently by rough but soft hands.

"Love, we're here."

I jumped awake quickly getting as far away from Will on the tiny boat almost tipping it over. "Don't call me that." I grumbled stepping off going in line with my brother.

I brought my brother in a hug needing it at the moment. He stumbled back but nonetheless hooked his arms around me tightly as I had him.

"What's this for Little Lotte?" He asked his chin on my head.
"I know about the mark." I felt him tense. "I'm scared."

"Everything is under control." He stated stepping away.
"Yeah you always say that." I said stepping behind him.

"No need to worry lads, Tia Dalma and I go way back. Thick as thieves. Nearly inseparable we are...were... have been... Before." He trailed getting slightly nervous.

Mr.Gibbs patted his shoulder, "I'll watch your back."

"It's my front I'm worried about." Jack said turning away.
"No need to worry about it now, it's messed up enough." I whispered causing the crew to snicker.

"Heard that!"Jack called.
"Good!" I said back following him until we were at the old window, peering in.

I opened it slightly gaining the attention of Tia as she looked at Jack and I.

"Jack... Charlotte..." She smiled going to Jack first.

"Ah Jack Sparrow. I always knew the wind would blow you back to me." She said her soft accent hitting every word. She looked over at me but her eyes zeroed in on Will.

"You..." She pointed coming over. "You have a touch of destiny about you... William Turner." Her face was inches from his now.

"You know me?" Will asked as a low growl of annoyance came from my throat looking at Tia.

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