Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

And here's the next chapter lol, I'm really wondering how this story is gonna go. Like where is the plot gonna go. Will more demons and angels appear? I have no freaking idea lol. I'm not planning ahead or anything, I'm just thinking of stuff as I go lol. And asking my best friend for help every once in a while. You should go check her stuff out on here. Her username is EternalRoseAmuto.

Ok enough about that lol.

Back to the story.


"Don't you want to fully transform?" he asks.

"I don't know." I look down. I really don't know if I want to or not. "Would I be able to hide my wings if I did?"

"Yes, you can, why do you think you can't see mine?"

"True, wait, you have wings?"

"Yep, wanna see?"

"Um, sure."

He pulls me out of the bathroom and into my room.

He takes off his shirt and concentrates for a bit and his wings grow from his back.

As he does this I'm staring at his chest and his abs oh god his abs. They are perfectly sculpted, he looks like an angel, well I guess he is part angel.

I snap out of my faze when his wings come out. I now stare at the wings. I can definitely tell he's mostly demon. His wings are about the same size as what I saw of mine. But instead of beautiful black feathers his are white. The feathers are sticking out at random spots and they're kinda dull, but at the same time they still look beautiful. I just realized his eyes are bigger and the color is turned white. All you can see is the black part of the eye.

"What happened to your eyes?" I ask.

"Oh, I where color contacts."

"That makes sense. So you can only hide the wings?"

"Yeah, sadly." he looked at me seductively, "Are you sure don't want to have sex right now?"

"I-I..." I seriously don't know, I want to transform and get it over with but at the same time I'm scared.

"You want to but you're scared? I can read minds you know."

"What? Why didn't you tell me that before?" Was that why he found me so easily before?

"I couldn't find the right moment to tell you."

"Oh, ok."

"You, have work tonight right?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Then it's probably not a smart idea to fully transform today since it takes a day or two for you to gain the ability to hide your wings."


"Yes. Come on let's do something together today."

"Like what?"

"Well first things first, you're still naked."

"Kuso! (Shit/damn/etc.)" I ran into the bathroom and close the door. I can hear Shiroi laughing as I get dressed. After I get dressed I walk out of the bathroom and I see Shiroi's wings are gone and he put his shirt back on.

"That's better, so you seriously wear that everyday?"

As usual I was wearing my sleeveless shirt that showed my midriff and my short shorts, black like usual.


"It's still hot though." he smiles and comes up and kisses me again. "Just looking at you dressed like that gets me hard." He kisses me again and slides his tongue into my mouth fighting to take control, I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck. He pushes me against the wall and touches me all over without breaking the kiss. I feel myself getting hard and with these clothes on it's not exactly comfortable. He raises his leg int between mine and rubs it with his legs. I moan from the kiss and touches.

He picks me up and drops me on the bed and falls on me. Wait? This is going too fast. I push him off of me and he falls on the floor.

"Bit too fast for you?" he asks.

I nod, panting.

"Ok, let's go on a date then, it's only noon so we got time till you have to go to work."

"Where would we go?" I look at him curiously.

"Hmm, how bout we go out to lunch, then maybe a movie."

"Ok, that sounds good."

We get our shoes on and walk downstairs. My boss is in the living room watching tv.

"I'm gonna go out ok?"

"Ok." he looks at me, "Woah what happened? You're all pale and are your eyes bigger?"

"Um, your mind is playing tricks with you, bye!"

I grab Shiroi's hand and pull him outside.

"Who's driving?" I ask him.

"I'll drive, you're the female in this relationship so I'm gonna drive and pay. Nee? (also used at end of sentence wanting agreement)."

"Ok." I get in the passenger seat of his car. "So where to?"

"You'll find out."

"It's not the fancy restaurant you own again is it?"

"Haha no."

I decided to drop it and just wait till we got there.

Then we pull up in front of the cafe we met at.

"You remember this place?" he said getting out of the car.



That's it for this chapter. How soon do you guys want the sex chapter? Cuz they are gonna do it sooner or later, I'm just not sure when they should have it lol.

Do you guys like it so far?


not really lol but still do it lol

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