Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Ok, hopefully this chapter will be longer lol.

I think my writers block is starting to go away lol. The story is gonna go faster and will have action and such.

So Kuro is the angel in the prophecy!?

I would love you if you VOTE AND COMMENT!


Kuro's POV (yep back to him)

I'm at the bar now all ready to go. And it's only 6:30. Where did Shiroi go anyway? And what did his brother want to talk to him about? I don't know but I have a feeling he won't tell me.

"So were you with Shiroi all day?" my boss asks.

"Yep, I seriously think he's the one."

"That's good, so where is he? He's usually here with you."

"He's talking to his brother about something."

"Oh, do you know what?"

"No, and I don't think he's gonna tell me."

"Why not?"

"I don't know, I just have a feeling."

"Ah, hey look there he is."

I look at the door and see Shiroi walking in putting his shirt on, he must've had his wings out. He comes over and sits with us at the bar.

"Hey Kuro." he says.

"Hi, what'd you guys talk about?"

"Just getting me caught up on what was going on with the family." I can tell he's lying. His eyes look sad.

"Oh, ok, what'd you guys really talk about?"

"Um." he motions his head towards my boss, probably saying this isn't something for him to hear.

"Hey, boss, don't have some final check ups to make before we open?" I ask.

"Oh, um, I can tell this is something that should only be between the two of you, I'm gonna go." he walks away.

"You guys really didn't talk about you family did you?"


"I figured. Do I really want to hear this?"

"No, though I don't know if I should tell you or not. It has something to do with the transformation."

"What about it?"

"You know what? I'm just gonna tell you the whole thing."

"Ok." I kinda didn't expect him to actually hear him tell me.

"Ok so there's this prophecy, and my brother thinks it's about you."

"What's the prophecy?"

"He who is half demon, half angel, but mostly angel, will destroy mankind."

"And he thinks it's about me?"



"Well the whole half angel, half demon thing is really rare. My brother is actually a full demon, he's only my half brother. Then somehow my dad fell in love with an angel and they had me. Demons and angels hate each other, that's why it's rare."

"Oh wow."

"Yeah, I told my brother it couldn't possibly be you, I mean you aren't even violent. But then he told me, 'but what about after the transformation?' that got me thinking, 'is he gonna change after he transforms?' I don't know what to do."

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