Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Wow can't believe I wrote 4 chapters yesterday. And I did like none of my project cuz of it lol. Oh well it's not due till friday.


FYI: There is a pic of Kuro on the left side:)


Song: Why by 4minute


Anyways lol.

This chapter goes 2 weeks into the future. I don't think I'll be able to think of stuff that'll happen during those two weeks so I'm just gonna skip it.


2 weeks later.

Shiroi's POV


Aural Vampire - Voodoovocoder


I'm really getting worried for Kuro. He's starting to have the headaches everyday and they get longer and longer. There are times when he just suddenly gets angry and tries to destroy everything. His father is letting him stay home from work since we don't want this to suddenly happen out in public. So we're keeping him at my house.

Right now he's trying to find safety in my arms on my couch. 10 minutes ago he lost control and destroyed the tv and speaker system. He's shaking from fear of losing control again.


Tommy Heavenly6 - I'm Your Devil


Why is this happening to him anyway? He's mostly angel, to think that would drown out these kinds of things.

It's freaky how his eyes turn completely black when it happens. They're filled with sadness, thats it. Sadness, it says that somewhere inside it's the real him and he just need to gain control again. By now he's destroyed the whole house. I'm surprised the actual house hasn't fallen down yet.


Kanon Wakeshima - Still Doll


But these anger outburst are getting wilder and wilder. I wonder if I should call it anger or just evil? I think evil is a better word than anger.

If only Kuro didn't have to go through this. He's a good kid, he doesn't deserve this.

'How's Kuro doing?' Chi jumps up on the couch with us cuddles against Kuro.

"He's getting worse."

'Oh' Chi's eyes are filled with sadness.


Tokio Hotel - In You Shadow (I Can Shine)


"Yeah..." I can feel Kuro calm down as he falls asleep. "Good he fell asleep."

'So now what?'

"I really don't know Chi. At this rate he is gonna be the one of the prophecy."

'Don't think like that Shiroi! I believe you can still save him! Don't act like it's the end of the world!'

"Then what do I do Chi? Huh? There's nothing I can do now but try to comfort him! Now we need to stop yelling before we wake Kuro up."


"It's not your fault Chi."

The door opens and my father walks in.


The Strange True Love (BoyXBoy) (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz