Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Kuro fails lol.


I know the story went from serious to funny, but I'm just trying to lighten the mood a bit lol.

And on we go!


As Shiroi pulls me through the house, I suddenly stop him.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Don't you think I want to put a shirt on first?"

"Oh, right."

I sigh as I run up the stairs to his room and put on a shirt. When I walk downstairs Shiroi took his off and had his wings out.


"Hmm? Oh we are going to fly there, take the shirt off and get your wings out."

"But I just finally managed to hide them..."

"Yeah I know, but you need to know how to unhide them, if that makes any sense."

I sigh and take off my shirt. I imagine that the wings were visible again and they popped right out.

"Good, stick the shirt in your back pocket or something."

"Where are going anyway that requires flying to?"

"It's a surprise, plus I figured you needed a flying lesson."

"Not like it could be that hard."

"You have no idea." he chuckled. "First, move your wings in the basic up and down flying movement. I need to be sure you can control your wings correctly."

I did as he instructed.

"Good, now try to fly."

I flapped my wings slowly and I started to hover.

"Good, good, you're catching on quickly."

"What? You think I can't do it?"

"Now I didn't say that."

"You implied it."

He made a face at me and continued. "Now land."

I landed.

"Now for the basic movements. Lean left to go left and lean right to go right, simple. To stop you bring your legs down and hover. And to land from high above, dive slightly, then when you're close to the ground bring your legs down and slowly hover down the rest of the way. It's easy enough."

"Maybe to you, you've been doing it for over a thousand years!"

"Very true." he laughs. "Alright let's go!" he takes off.

"Wait what!?" I lift my wings up and I try to fly. "Hey wait up!" Surprisingly, I actually start flying. I'm following behind Shiroi and I try to catch up with him. Flying feels so natural, like I've been doing it all my life. He flies higher and higher till he's almost in the clouds, guess he doesn't want people seeing us and have the headline "Flying Humans!?" in the news tomorrow. So we fly high enough so we would look like birds or something to the people below. I wonder where he's taking me.


We just crossed the ocean and saw land again. Wait? I recognize this place. It's Japan isn't it?

I fly right next to Shiroi and yell, "You took me to Japan!?"

He chuckles. "Yep, the clothes j want to get you can only be found in Japan."

"Oh, wow. It's not yukatas or anything is it?" (light cotton kimono)

"Haha no."

"Then what?"

"You'll find out in a bit."


He laughs.

We go to an area that's hidden from everybody and land. Well, he lands and I fail and fall on my butt. Shiroi laughs as he helps me up.

"Jerk." I slap him on the arm.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be laughing, can't expect you to get everything perfect on the first try."

"Then why'd you laugh in the first place!?" I yelled at him waving my hands in the air. Wow he's causing me to act like a kid.

"I couldn't help it." he said patting me on the head. I smacked his hands away repeatedly.

'Kuro!' I see Chi running towards me. How in the world is he here!?!?

"Chi, what are you doing here?"

'I flew here!' he says with a huge smile on his face.

I sigh, seriously?

"Can't you ever stay home for once?"

'No, I get bored.'

"Shiroi help me out here!" I whine.

He chuckles. "He's your familiar, this is what they do, they follow you around."

"Thank god I don't go to school."

Shiroi chuckles again.

"So now what?" I ask.

"We are gonna meet up with this guy and get some custom fitting clothes for you. Something that's gonna properly fit that new body of yours."

"Really? N-no, I don't want to you spending so much money on me."

"Dude, I have enough money to last me a thousand years with the way I'm living right now."

"Yeah but still-"

"Kuro, I am willing to spend a lot of money on you. Daisuki." (I love you)

"Oh, um." I don't know how to react to that, nobody told me that before.

He gently caresses my cheek and kisses me. He quickly pulls away. Then he says, "Ok, let's go." and he walks away leaving me staring at him trying to process what just happened. Then I come back to reality and follow him.


Sorry for taking so long. I was trying to figure out the flying lesson and then the romantic moment lol. I think it turned out pretty good.

As you can tell, the next chapter is the clothes chapter. Might make it funny, might make it serious, idk yet.



I will love you forever if you do.

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