The Unknown Girl

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            "Bring in the accused!" 
The woman was shoved forward, falling to her knees in front of the pole that stuck out of the ground.  Two guards followed, one securing her hands to the pole and the other making sure she didn't attempt to escape.  The girl showed no struggle and kept her head facing the floor, scraggly (h/c) locks covering her face and showing how dirty she was. 
A rather short man stood to the side next to Erwin Smith and Hanji Zoe, his arms crossed over his chest and keeping his stare on the girl. 
Her chest was bound with gauze to keep the men surrounding her in there place and not ogle, but her legs were barely covered by a scratchy cloth she'd been given as a skirt of sorts.
"Documents." The judge said as a guard handed him the girl's papers. 
The short man watched him cock an eyebrow before putting the papers down. 
"What is your name?"
There was a quiet mumble of a response from her that was inaudible to everyone. 
"Smith, see what she said please." 
Erwin moved from next to the man out of the wooden barriers around them and approached the girl.  As soon as she sensed the footsteps, her body began to tremble. 
Hanji's hands were clasped in front of her like an excited school girl. 
Erwin kneeled down in front of the girl as the spectators could hear him ask her name once more.  He soon stood and held his hands behind his back, facing the judge.
"She says she does not know, your honour." He said firmly. 
The judge clicked his tongue. 
"Where do you come from?"
Erwin leaned down once more to listen to her answer before holding his position once more.
"Again, your honour, she does not know."
The judge became annoyed and began asking question after question. 
"How old are you?"
"What district were you born in?"
"Who are your parents and family?"
But all came with the same answer.
"She doesn't know, sir." Erwin repeated after the final question.  The judge rubbed his brow in annoyance before looking at the girl once more. 
"Who gave you those marks, girl?"
Almost instantly the woman began to tremble, so much in fact that the pole she was secured to began to shake.  Tears hit the floor, and suddenly everyone was on the edge of the barriers, waiting for her answer.  Erwin calmly knelt down, listening to her quiet answer. 
His eyes widened and he stood, gulping. 
"Well?" The judge asked impatiently. 
"G-Grisha, your honour..."
"Grisha who?!"
Erwin hesitated and bowed his head, much too shocked now. 
"Grisha J-Jaeger..."

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now