Chapter 1

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Chippaw's POV

After a hard's day work, Cinderpaw and I came back from hunting. It was starting to be newleaf, so prey had started coming out. Our mentors praised us for my thin mouse and my plump pigeon.
"Well done, Chippaw." Willowtail said. She was a nice mentor, but strict sometimes.

Cinderpaw had caught a rabbit and a mouse. Darkpool didn't say anything to Cinderpaw. They are both siblings, but Darkpool mostly keeps to himself. I still haven't gotten many words out of him even though I knew him since I was born.
Just saying... I'm three moons older than Cinderpaw. I love being the oldest. Unless you count Robinpaw, uh- I mean belly. She became a full medicine cat last moon. She hasn't been talking to me since. I think she's caught up in her work, or something.

"Hey, Chippaw!" I saw Remi coming out of the nursery.

"Wanna play with us?" Remi asked.
"Sorry, I can't today, maybe tomorrow, guys." I replied.
Remi gave me a sad look. She brightened up when Miller started acting like a fox, and softly pawing at Pear.
"Attack, KitClan!" Murky squeaked. He and Remi jumped onto Miller.

I don't play kit games... anymore. I used to love it when my mom and dad played with me, and pretended to be a opposing clan or a dog or something. But since they died when I was three moons old, I just suddenly grew out of it. My sister used to play me too. Her name was Spotkit. She had all these spots on her white pelt. Then greencough took her away a couple of seasons ago. I don't like to talk about it, but I still make most out of clan life.
"Chippaw, Cinderpaw, Loudyowl, Darkpool, Flywing and Birdstripe. We're going to the Gathering tonight." Gorsecloud announced.

Was I hearing right? I totally forgot there was a Gathering today, silly me. Thats pretty exciting. I get to see Firpaw again.


When it was time for the Gathering, I noticed some strange sounds. Kinda like some groaning. I swear I think it was from the ditch the twolegs abandoned. A quarter moon ago I was going to check if there was moles anywhere, but Gorsecloud told me no, and exchanged worried glances with Willowtail. I think they're keeping a secret, but I don't want to be nosy.

When we reached the Great Boulder, which is a gigantic rock with a huge willow tree behind it, we sat down while the leaders were discussing something. They kept looking the crowd, and whispering something. I heard something from them. Like, "Blood and flesh will spill everywhere is this keeps up."

I glanced at the willow tree. Its elegant thin branches hung overhead, the leaves draped over, looking like they're weeping. Exactly why they're called weeping willows.

I saw Firpaw over yonder. I didn't go over there, I didn't want to bother Fernstripe, either. They were probably both sharing notes, and maybe Fernstripe was giving medicine cat tips. I'm not sure, but they had serious looks on their faces.

Am I the only one who is oblivious to whats going on? Probably not. I saw Cinderpaw's face burning with curiosity.

Cometstar shushed the crowd with a yowl. He put a look on his face like he regretted it. "This Gathering will be a bit quiet today. We have very important news to share. Its for the safety of everyone."

Glidestar started speaking first. "We had a rogue appear at our border today. Normally, we would tell them to roam the territory all you like, but don't hurt anybody. But for some reason they looked worried. They told me something is going on. In the twolegplace, where he lives kittypets have been acting strange. They starting biting cats, and twolegs. They just don't bite, but eat them too. He also told me it came from his rogue neighbors. They drank a black liquid, because of the drought. He said they became sick, then died. Just before they buried their bodies, they came back. They starting eating other cats."

Cometstar nodded. "They also said that they didn't know why the kittypets had it too. They drink water from their twoleg nests. A trustable kittypet I know saw that the water has gone black. He didn't drink it, because he didn't trust it. He thinks thats the reason why. The water has been polluted."

Fangstar didn't say anything. He stared into the crowd. "Are you alright, Fangstar?" Glidestar asked.

Fangstar suddenly grew foam in his mouth and fell of the Great Boulder. He fell to the ground, snapping his neck.
Everyone gasped.
A warrior from LightningClan, Twigfur came close to Fangstar. "F-Fangstar? You still have six lives." Twigfur poked Fangstar.

Fangstar shuddered. Then got to his feet. His eyes were a cloudy white, and foam still came from his mouth, covered parts of his bleeding lips. You can see where he snapped his neck. The bone jutted out in an awkward place. Blood trickled from the bone.

Fangstar spit in Twigfur's face. And thats when...

Fangstar bit him. His entire face off.

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