Chapter 7

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Cinderpaw's POV

Firepaw jumped at the hawk. Everything after that was a blur. He attacked, I fell. I knew StarClan would meet me soon. I screeched and cried for help, but it was too late.
When I plunged into the cold water, I gasped. My tail had snapped on the rock. It went numb now. The water was so cold. I looked desperately for somewhere to cling to, or anywhere to climb up. Nothing. I was going to drown. I suddenly saw a cat running down pretty steep ledges.
I gave up. I knew I'd die. The strange cat had grabbed my scruff and pulled me to where he was.
"Cinderpaw! Cinderpaw!" He yelled. "Can you hear me?" He asked more calmly since I opened my eyes to meet him. "Am I dead?" I asked, looking for anyone.
"Thank StarClan you're not! Does it hurt anywhere? Are you cold?" He kept bugging me with questions until Firepaw had come over.
He touched noses with me. "Cinderpaw... I, what would I do without you?" He whispered into my ear.
"Y-you would live on. And make a family." I replied.
He stared at me with loving eyes. "Never without you." He licked my cheek.
I blacked out.


Waking up, I smelled herbs. I was in the medicine den. "Hey, Firepaw?" I asked, trying to look for him.
Owlwhisper had padded into the den. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked.
"Just fine. Where's Firepaw?"
Owlwhisper looked hurt. His eyes softened a bit then answered. "He's sleeping."
"Why am I in here? I'm fine." I growled, getting to my paws. I felt sore, every bone in my body was aching.

"Your tail." Owlwhisper said. He quickly looked at his paws.
I looked behind me. My tail was a few mouse-lengths long. "How?"

He explained everything. "Can I..." I trailed off. He knew my question. "You can walk like normal cat. But balancing on logs and things like that you can't do."

I nodded. I slipped out of the den. I saw Firepaw snoozing next to Redpaw.
I pressed my nose to his head. "Hey." I murmured. Firepaw sleepily opened his eyes. "Cinderpaw?" He asked, looking at me.
I suddenly felt sick. My stomach lurched, and I scrabbled my paws on the ground. My legs felt weaker, and I laid on my side. Thats when I did it. I vomited. Afterwards, my stomach hurt.
Firpaw and Hollowpaw came immediately to my side. "Are you okay?" Hollowpaw asked.
I shook my head. I vomited again. "Oh no..." Firpaw murmured.

Chippaw's POV

I saw her. Cinderpaw, she suddenly got sick for no reason. I didn't want to know. Redpaw was next to Firepaw, trying comfort him. Owlwhisper watched from the warrior's den, his eyes burning to Firepaw.
I silently watched Redpaw whisper into Firepaw's ear.
"Chippaw, come here please." Cometstar meowed.

I looked up, and saw Cometstar beckoning me. I ran up next to him. "Am I in trouble?" I asked, shuffling my paws.
"Of course not, I came to ask a question." Cometstar replied.
I nodded. "What is it?"

"Would you like to be a warrior?" Cometstar asked.
I froze. I didn't know what to say. I've only been training for at least a few moons, why would he want me to be warrior?
"Do you want to join LightningClan?" He asked.

"Join... LightningClan? Why, I love my Clan!" I said, clearly astonished.
"The the others went down the other side of the mountain to seek new territory. Then we can become Clans again. I want you to join me, us. To LightningClan." He explained.
I stomped my paw on the ground. "B-but I love BreezeClan, my friends..." I trailed off.
Cometstar stared into my eyes. "Gorsestar will understand. He is a good leader, but what will happen to me? Gorsestar is still young, I am old. How would you like it? I can make you warrior, and my deputy. You can lead the Clan when I pass." He told me, resting his tail on me.
I thought about it. I'd leave Cinderpaw... She needs me. But, leader of a Clan! That is amazing, Cometstar will pass soon. He knows it. What will they do without a leader? We have no idea what happened to Poolmist. We can't let this Clan die. He knows there's Goldenfall and the others... But he trusts me.
"Yes. I'll become a warrior, and your deputy." I said.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey may come here for a clan meeting." Cometstar yowled.
Everyone had gathered, but they were confused. Some were whispering to each other.
Remi looked at me. My heart stopped for a beat. I left her. I left Remi. May she join too?

"Today an apprentice will become a warrior." Cometstar announced, flicking his tail.
Firepaw puffed out his chest, like he was going to be warrior instead of me.

"Chippaw, do you uphold the warrior code and protect this Clan at the cost of your life?" Cometstar asked.
Thats when cats were shocked. "But Chippaw's in BreezeClan!"

Cometstar silenced them. He nodded to me.
"I do." I replied, dipping my head.

"Then from this day forward, Chippaw, you will be known as Chipear. StarClan honors your determination and courage, we welcome you a full warrior of LightningClan."

I looked around and cats were looking at each other. All the apprentices exchanged confused glances.
Cometstar explained that he was making me deputy and warrior, and how I'm joining LightningClan.

"Owlwhisper can do a better job than that rabbit-chaser!" Goldenfall called out.
"He's too young!"
"No way! I could do a better job!"
Cats called me out. I took in everything. I deserved it, I was too stupid. Blinded by the thought of being a leader.
"I'm sorry." I announced. Everyone grew quiet to hear what I had to say. I heard murmurs from the queens.
"I may have agreed to something foolish, but I have been chosen deputy to Cometstar. He trusts me this much, and he knows whats best for LightningClan."
"You've got bees in your brain!" Owlwhisper growled.
Lightrunner stepped up. "Poolmist is my sister. We're from the same litter, and our hearts are connected. I should be deputy." She meowed boldly.
Owlwhisper shook his head. "I should be deputy. I have more experience as a warrior anyway." He said.
Lightrunner swiped at his muzzle. "I'm moons older than you. You were made warrior two moons ago." She hissed.

"Enough!" Cometstar growled. He lashed his tail. "I have made it clear. Chipear is my deputy, and thats final."
Everyone broke up, and huddled up in groups. They all avoided me, like I was greencough. Firepaw pushed his paws on me. "It should've been me! I deserve to be warrior, I finished my warrior training!"
He jumped onto me, and we both tussled on the ground. I clawed his shoulder a couple of times, but he shredded the tip of my ear.
Screeching in pain, I flung my paw across his face. I had gave him a gash on his cheek. Firepaw bit down on the side of my neck.
I yowled, trying to push him off me. He was going to kill me. I didn't give in, I wrenched my neck away from his sharp teeth, it pulled a few clumps of fur from where he bit.
My paws were hard on the ground, I panted. Blood welled from my wounds. Cometstar padded over to me. "Well done, Chipear. You have proven to be a worthy cat of my Clan. Welcome Chipear, LightningClan!"
No one came over. I lowered my head in shame.
Firpaw and Hollowpaw came to treat Firepaw's wounds. Afterwards, they offered to me.
"I'm fine. You don't need to fuss about me." I told them. Also, I was getting glares from other cats.

Yellowkit and Frogkit couldn't give a care in the world. They liked me still, even for the terrible decisions I made.
"Hey, Chipear!" Frogkit mewed. He bounded right over and started climbing my back.
"You're a warrior now! Teach us battle moves!" Yellowkit squeaked.

"You two come back here right now!" Featherclaw growled.
The kits jumped off me and sulked back to their mother.

I sighed. Cometstar whispered in my ear. "You can sleep in my den. It seems the others will treat you like an outcast. Here, there's enough room for both of us."
He led me into the den, and laid down. He curled his tail over his nose. "Its comfy, Chipear. C'mon, it beats any den."
I laid beside him. Right now, Cometstar is the only one who trusts me, or even likes me in that matter. He trusts me so much, why?

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