Chapter 2

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Geckoeye's POV

When I saw Twigfur's face when it got bit off, I cringed.
I could see that blood covered his face and his fur was already matted with blood when the blood spurted everywhere. Fangstar kept eating him, Twigfur clearly in pain. Yowling, screaming... EVERYTHING. "I can't see! I can't see!" He yelled out, added with the shrieks of pain.
I saw Ripplestone look deep into my eyes, my yellow eyes. He mouthed a word to me that I would only understand in that moment. "Run." He mouthed to me.

And thats what I did. I skidded to a halt when an apprentice was just standing there. It was all a blur, I couldn't even recognize his face. "Don't just stand there! Run!" I yelled at him.

He stared at me blankly for a moment, then snapped back to reality. "AHHH!!!" He screeched, the jumped past me, knocking Fangstar to the ground. Fangstar was about to bite me, and I think that apprentice saved my life. I glanced back at Twigfur, who was writhing, in pain still. He was about dead.

I suddenly realized the apprentice who saved me was Chippaw. "We have to get to my camp! I need to find... Remi..."

He didn't finish, he bolted off, in a different direction everyone else was going. I heard Glidestar guiding cats, to the mountains because it was safer there.
But, stupid as I was, I ran after him.

"Chippaw!" I shouted. "You idiot!!"

But, he was so fast. Just avoiding trees, one by one, like a rabbit.

I couldn't dodge that fast.

I kept running after him, trying to keep up, until we eventually reached his camp.

What I saw was scary. There was a puddle of blood on the ground. I saw a cat, similar to Fangstar who was chewing on a young she-cat.

It was horrifying. I saw another one, trying to get into the nursery.

"Get away from my kits!" A voice screeched, kicking the infected cat away. I heard a few squeals, and cries.

Chippaw ran straight at the cat. Lashing out his forepaws, he hit a blow straight on the cat's face.
It didn't flinch, much even react to what happened.

It snapped its jaws at Chippaw, just missing him. I ran in to help, then knocked the cat to the ground.

I heard a painful snap. The cat stopped moving.

"I think its dead." Chippaw said, then looked up at me.

A tom slipped out of the den, cautiously looking around. "Chippaw!"
He touched noses with the apprentice. "Is everyone okay?" He asked.

"Everyone's fine. We have the elders, and a few warriors... Some of us fled when they attacked. The kits and everyone is fine too." The tom told Chippaw.

Chippaw let out a sigh of relief. "Can I see Remi?" He asked.

"Sure. But its cramped."

"Wait!" I yelled. "We have to go, now! Everyone fled to the mountains. Lets go, please?"

"R-right. We came back to get you." Chippaw explained.

The tom nodded. "Alright. Lets get outta here, guys."

The cats came out of the den, and were in a line.

"Mind telling me your names?" I asked.

Thats when everyone told me their names. I recognized some of them, but it didn't matter.

Miller scooped up Pear. "I'll take him." He said, his voice muffled by the kit's fur.

Chippaw let Remi climb onto his back.
Their mother, Nutmeg picked up Murky.
"I can take him." I offered.

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