Chapter 11

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Goldenfall's POV

It was a storm. Rain poured through, leaving the ground muddy and slippery. I can't believe Chipear would send me out by myself. He told me to go hunting awhile ago, and I caught a shrew. With my leg, there's no way I could catch more than I had. It's healing well, but I kinda have a permanent limp. It's not as bad as it was before. Suddenly, as I headed toward the border from BrightClan I saw literally the whole Clan making their way here. Of all places, why here? They'd get slaughtered.
I saw the cat leading them. Hollowpaw, Firleaf's former apprentice.
I bared my teeth. No way were they going to cross. They're forbidden!
I hid behind a tree trunk. There she was, Cinderflight. She was holding a kit in her mouth. Are those her newborns? My stomach lurched. Chipear told me if I see them I have to kill one of them, at least. But, their Clan looks so terrified. Did something happen, or are they giving themselves up? Probably scared of what their punishment will be.

I stood on top of the tree stump. "Hey! You over there, what are you doing? Where do you think you're going?"
Hollowpaw flinched, and looked at me. "W-we didn't do anything!"

"If you think I'm going to let you walk away, you're wrong! I'm gonna make you pay, BrightClan!" I growled. That was bold of me, I guess.
"What are you gonna do about it?" A kit stepped out and taunted me.
"Finchkit!" Firefang scolded, pulling the kit back.

This, I thought and launched myself at the nearest cat. Whoever it was, I held him to the ground and he squirmed under my weight. Looking down, I saw him. Silver Wing! Perfect, now Moss Fur will give in and we'll take them back.

I threatened to cut his neck. Moss Fur snarled. "Don't you dare. If you hurt my brother I'll kill you. I swear to StarClan, you will die."
I looked down at Silver Wing. He laid limp and helpless. Maybe I was a bit to hard with him. I loosened my grip on him.
Silver Wing exploded up at me, knocking me back. He leaped on me, and gave a slice across my back.

"Take us to your camp." Moss Fur growled.
"I insist." I muttered.
I got to my paws and led everyone back to our camp, but I had to listen to them.
"What are you doing here!?" Chipear thundered. "What do you think you're doing?"

Cometstar looked upon BrightClan. "Return to your proper Clans, now."
Moss Fur defiantly lashed his tail. "We came here to seek shelter only."

"Stop!" Ripplestone ran into the middle of the clearing. "They saved my life. Don't kill them."
Rabbitpaw and Flowerheart came out, too. "They did! They're good cats, let BrightClan survive."

Firleaf nodded. "They deserve to live!"
Chipear stared at everyone, his eyes wide. He dipped his head respectfully. "Yes. I agree with them. Moss Fur," he began looking into his eyes. Moss Fur looked back, looking a bit hostile.
Chipear took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for all these moons. I have promised to be yours and Silver Wing's brother. And so far, I have been a terrible brother. Please, let me fix my mistake. I will join you from now on. I will become a BrightClan warrior."
Cometstar growled deeply. "You traitor! Chipear, you betrayed LightningClan!"
Cometstar suddenly attacked Chipear, slashing his muzzle. Chipear instantly retaliated slicing Cometstar's cheek. The mangy tom bit deep into Chipear's neck, forcing the tom to the ground. Cometstar stepped back, to watch Chipear die. Then, Chipear jerked up and slashed Cometstar's throat.
Cometstar yowled, and was cut off by blood gushing from his throat. He fell to his back and bled out over so all LightningClan warriors could see.
Lightrunner stood in front of the crowd of LightningClan cats. "Let's avenge Cometstar's third life! Attack!"

I wasn't sure about this. But I had to stay loyal. I ran into the flurry of cats and picked out two. It was Rainpaw and Hailpaw I believe, some of Rainspot's kits. They're obviously apprentices now, they've grown. I slashed Hailpaw's nose open and the she-cat let out a shriek. They both then pressed their backs together and a flurry of paws had pounded my head, sending me straight to the ground.
They wriggled all over me, clawing and biting. I sent out a screech of pain and finally got underneath them and escaped.
LightningClan was already retreating and half of us already left camp.
Soon, everyone left but me and Cometstar's body. He was still dead, but getting up soon.
I stared at all the BrightClan cats surrounding me. "Wait!"
Chipear stepped in. He looked at me, and a sympathetic look was in his eyes. "You can join BrightClan. They're the safest, loyal, and strongest Clan, Goldenfall. You already know."
I realized the ambitious, bloodthirsty faces of that Clan turned to innocent, friendly faces. They all mingled with each other and a wonderful scent had entered my nose. Was this BrightClan scent, this sweet, flower-like smell? There was always flowers in their territory, but it seemed to grow on its own. It was a safe kind of scent, not like the stink of LakeClan or BreezeClan.
I knew what choice I was making was the best choice I could make. "I'll join." I murmured.
Moss Fur approached me. "Then, Goldenfall of LightningClan, will be known as Goldenfall of BrightClan."
Cats around me purred with delight. "Why did you come here?" I asked.
Hollowpaw approached me. "There was a horde. A whole bunch of them and-"

"There they are!" Silver Wing screeched. The horde was trailing behind them. "Scatter!" Moss Fur ordered. Everyone had broken up and divided through LightningClan territory.
I had started wrenching myself up a tree.
Some cat had climbed faster than me and pulled my scruff. They put me right next to them. I turned to see who they were and it was Frogpaw. "You're really, strong now." I told him, not knowing how to start the conversation.
Frogpaw stretched his legs. "You're actually light. Also, I got my warrior name. So I'm a real deputy. It's Frogcroak, if you didn't know."
I nodded as I watched the other BrightClan cats climb trees as well. The flesh-eaters didn't take notice of us and left LightningClan camp.
From over on the ground I heard a "All clear!"
I got help from Frogcroak on the way down, and blushed because I couldn't get down by myself.
"Where do we go now?" I asked Moss Fur.
The young leader stood up. "We should go to the Gathering place. That's probably where LightningClan's going, and they should have warned the others about us."
"Do you really cause this much trouble?" I asked.
"Yeah. But it's not our fault. They didn't trust us." Shadepaw spoke up from the crowd of BrightClan.
"We were pushed out." Yellowpaw meowed.
"They didn't treat us like equals." Pearpaw said.
Moss Fur dipped his head. "Yes. We may have caused trouble for the others, but it's just what Clans do. We hunt for our own food, and they think we're horrible. We-"

"Well, well well." A cat stepped into LightningClan camp. "I guess this is the place you were."
Ripplestone growled. "Rory. Why are you here? There's more of us then just you."
Rory licked some blood from his lips. "Oh you have no idea how many followers I have."

Distant hissing came from all around BrightClan. Stepping out were kittypets, loners, even rogues. "We think your blood will decorate this nice area." Rory snarled.

Moss Fur guarded Cinderflight.
"Take the kits and run." He muttered.
A kit rubbed on me. It was a she-kit. I almost shed a tear. We were wrong. BrightClan is a great Clan. They raised so many kits. They aren't just a Clan of kits, it's a Clan of warriors.
I scooped up the kit in my jaws, and a select few others did the same.
Moss Fur touched Silver Wing on the shoulder. "Are you ready? Go."
Moss Fur and Silver Wing both jumped at two cats and pummeled them to the ground. "Run through this hole!" Silver Wing called through a spit of fur and teeth.
The others with kits and I jumped out, running as fast as we could.
We didn't look back, because it would hurt too much. The others started fighting Rory and his followers.
"Let's keep going! Push it a bit further!" I called.


"Right here." I sighed.
It was a well hidden abandoned badger set. "It's good for now." Firefang murmured.

"We can't live on mice and rabbits forever!" I growled.
I saw a dead mouse, died of sickness. "We need to find someplace. Somewhere that's more than just trees and rivers."

"Well we can't just find a twoleg building!" Cinderflight retorted.
"Actually, yes we can! If we can escape Rory and his bloodthirsty group, I saw a twoleg building with like uh, food in it!" I replied.
"We can't." Shadepaw meowed. "We don't know anything else but trees and rivers."

"Just stay here." Yellowstripe murmured.
Hailpaw and Rainpaw held the kits in their jaws. "We need to look after these ones too." Rainpaw said.
I sighed. I was outnumbered, so there was no way I was going to convince them.
"We'll wait it out." Firefang meowed. "Let's head to the Gathering place."


"What are you doing here?" A LightningClan warrior snarled.
"A group of cats attacked our Clan." Cinderflight replied evenly. She lifted her chin, with a kit in her jaw.

"Goldenfall!" Moss Fur gasped. I turned around, seeing Moss Fur battered, his shoulder with a deep cut.
"Rory defeated us. He wants us to give him the land here. Or he'll kill Silver Wing." Moss Fur meowed.
"Then we must." Shadepaw muttered.

Moss Fur dipped his head. "I know. I'll go back and tell him."
I shuddered. What will become of the clans?


The chapter escalated quite quickly. Sorry, I got writer's block on this chapter, and maybe for future ones. I have this point with Leopardkit becomes a warrior, so...
Can we skip to that? Because everything is a bit boring. The same thing happens for twenty more chapters, then whatever.
It just makes sense for me.

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