Chapter 5

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Firepaw's POV

I was unsure of Moss Fur and Silver Wing. Yeah, they came from BreezeClan, but aren't they supposedly dead? Plus, I mostly don't trust BreezeClan, thank you very much. Chippaw has a creepy aura around him. Maybe I'm just being creepy, but whatevs.

Just to think though, my mother named me after Firestar. Well, its a long story. So, Firestar was out, doing a patrol. He saw my mother. Which looked a lot like a cat Firestar loved. Spottedleaf, I think her name was. Anyway, after awhile, he kept coming and seeing her. Then he found out she was having kits. Then gave birth to me and my sister. I was named Fire, of course. But my sister, Spotted, named after Spottedleaf, had died from being too weak. My mother had caught  greencough, and searched for help. By the time she reached LakeClan, she died. They took me in, and now I'm Firepaw.

"Hey, Charpaw! Look at this." I meowed. I padded over. "Are those... LakeClan cats?" Charpaw asked.

"Yeah, its Rainspot and Blossompetal! Her kits, Redkit and Hollowkit, too!" I said.

"Hey!! Rainspot!! Blossompetal!!" I called.

They noticed me.

Chippaw ran over and tackled me. "Keep it down, mouse-brain! Your fish breath is disgusting."

"At least I don't eat rabbits and birds all day." I retorted, getting to my paws.

Sorrelwing came over with Moss Fur and Silver Wing.

"You okay?" Moss Fur asked, lending a paw.

"I'm fine, thanks." I said, a little rudely.

I don't need to be comforted by a kit.

Moss Fur looked hurt. "I was just trying to help." He muttered.

Sorrelwing looked at both of us. "You two need to stop fighting."

Moss Fur swished his tail. "He doesn't trust me." He growled.

"Because you're a kit, who's supposed to be dead." I retorted.

Chippaw looked at me, a funny way. "Seriously? Its a miracle he and his brother are alive."

"Its fine. He's right." Moss Fur said. "Our adopted father saved us from a fox. But then he did horrible things to us. Force train us to be fighting machines." Moss Fur explained, but then shuddered afterwards.

"Who was this so called 'adopted father'?" Sorrelwing asked, a little worried.

"Thats the thing. He doesn't tell us his name. He thinks we will escape, then share his name with everyone." Moss Fur said. "Which that happened, but we don't know his name." He added grimly.

"Did someone call my name?" I recognized the voice, it was Rainspot.

Blossompetal was standing beside her, with Redkit and Hollowkit by her side.
"Firepaw!?" Blossompetal exclaimed, suddenly.

She ran over and licked my head. "Hey Blossompetal..." I trailed off.

"We're heading to the mountains. We guessed it was where everyone is now." Rainspot shrugged.

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