Robin's Tale

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When I was but a little girl,

Head full of beams and gleams,

A robin arrived in a morning whorl,

and told me of his dreams:

"In the early morning dawn,

sits a lady with her tales.

She won't mumble nor shall she yawn

When she tells of lover's sails.

In a school so far away,

A man named john works hard

His desk's the only one that shines;

His peers don't need a schoolyard.

Back in the park lies has an old chess set

She sometimes plays alone,

Her lovely name is Juliette,

A fact very few have known.

John is very fit and slim,

his teacher loves him dear.

Or, she would have loved him

If she had been just here.

Juliette, poor Juliette,

She waits for her romeo,

And she Won't stop waiting ever yet;

Her lover died long ago.

Johnathan, poor Johnathan,

waits for the summer bell,

Johnathan, poor Johnathan,

He's still hoping for that bell."

and so the robin up flew away,

And that dreaming little girl died

She became the lady you see today

Because she set her hopes aside.

So if a Robin has something to say

And one day lands on your stoop,

Tell the Robin to fly away!

Or maybe have a Robin soup.

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