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Rebecca Birch

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Note: Hey, fancy seeing you here on a Monday!

Today I've got an interview for you featuring yet another character that has never actually been present in the story. The edit above for her is literally so hilarious and delightful, and it breaks my heart that I can't remember who made it. I'd love to shake their hand.

There's a lot of confusion surrounding this girl here, and speaking as an author, I hate her from the bottom of my heart. Why? Because sometimes I hate my creations and can't shake it. I used to hate Cartney and now I'm writing something cute and I'm like, "God, he can't say that or else I'm gonna start liking him the most!!" HAHAHA.

Here it is: Your interview with the ever allusive mother of Callan and sister of Bree, Rebecca Birch!

@emmapallent: I didn't realise rats could write music, why can you?

Rebecca: So this is how we're gonna start, is it? How did you find my sheet music?

@FeathersnWildflowers: Why are you so twisted and demented?

Rebecca: You barely know me. What makes you so sure that I'm the twisted and demented one?

@jamila_grace: Why did you hate bree and chapter? Bree was your sister and you are the mother to chapter's child?

Rebecca: I have my reasons. Bree, especially. It's like she lived to make me look bad.

@Queenoflalaland: Y u so evil

Rebecca: ????

@BethDavis814: I'm mad you have been with chapter

Rebecca: (;

@Carmen_1inchD: why do u like gin

Rebecca: "First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you."

Author's Input: Let's play that wild game of "Guess what author said that." I'm sure you'll know immediately, considering all my not-so-subtle recurring references throughout this book.

@sonia741: Are you and Finley dating? It's a weird question, but it seem like a plot twist Kassandra would pull.

Rebecca: What??

Author's Input: Oh my gosh, that totally sounds like something I would pull. You know me, you really know me.

@Daeooo: Why you such a bitter little prikle

Rebecca: I am not a "prikle"

@yallneedjesuss: Why're you such a bitch?

Rebecca: I'm not a bitch either!

@Jazzmatazz17: What happened between you and Chapter, and When?

Rebecca: It's been so long since he disappeared . . . do I have to get into this?

@xxUmbrella_Face: How would you like to die?

Rebecca: I think I'd prefer to not die at all.

@Kenya1207: What was your relationship with Chspter like? What are you doing now with your time?

Rebecca: He was cute. He seemed so nervous around me all the time. I'm still in Eldae now.

@entelechy_: Are you running DEFED now?

Rebecca: Excuse me?

@eeveeclare: WHO ARE TOU

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