Chp 13

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I woke up feeling out of sorts, wondering what happened. The last thing I remembered was answering the door and saw Landy with three burly men.


"Landy?" I was surprised to see him on my doorstep especially since I never told him where I lived.

"Rose, may I come in?"

"Sure. Come in." Landy and the other men came inside, I closed the door after them.

"Landy, what are you doing here? What's going on?" Landy I trust, but the other men gave off a bad vibe. Landy pulled me flush against his body and kissed me. He kissed me softly and I moaned in his mouth, I broke the kiss.

"Landy I have a boyfriend, we can't be kissing each other. Now please let me go." I saw the pain of rejection in his eyes.

"Rose, you know I will never do anything to hurt you right?" I gave him a nod.

"Then you will have to forgive me for doing this." One of his men placed a cloth over my nose before everything faded into darkness.
End of flashback

I got up from the queen size bed I was laying on. The room had a peach and cream mixture, well furnished with tv, computer and a private bathroom. I heard someone turning the handle and braced myself for whoever it is.

"Landy?" I was shocked to see him here. Landy was dressed in a blue Enyce t-shirt, jeans cargo pants and blue Jordan's tennis. Damn, he looked fine but I still don't know why he was here.

"Landy, where am I? Why are you here?" Landy closed the door behind him and sat on the bed.

"Rose you are at my house. Before you ask why it is to keep you safe. I'm sorry I had to kidnap you but your 'boyfriend' and I have business to take care of."

"But why? Why did you have to take me? What have Jayvon done to you?" Landy chuckled softly.

"Jayvon didn't tell you about us? My name is Orlando Baltan." My eyes widen in recognition of the name.

"You were the one who drugged Trisha. Are you going to rape me?" Orlando leaned in and softly kissed me and I kissed back. I don't understand how the sweet, kindhearted Landy is a gangster.

"I won't hurt you Rose, but if Jayvon is not careful I will not be responsible for my actions. From the moment I met you I wanted you." Landy got up and left the room, I'm still confused at what secret Jayvon is hiding from me. I just pray he finds me.

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