How you meet

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You were busy running out of the office to go get coffee for the meeting,Again..As usual.Running in heels you know you were going to fall.One wrong move and you'd faceplant.
As you rushed in to the Starbucks,Like,RUSHED in.Bumping into a guy.
"Ow..Watch it." You groaned."I could say the same thing for you." A british accent said.
You looked up and saw a guy with curly hair and bright green eyes.
"..Uh..You know that was actually my fault." He said,Noticing his spilled his coffee all over your shirt."No.No.Its mine I should've watched were I was going." You stammered,Noticing he was actually quite attractive."Harry." He said,holding out his hand.You gladly shook his hand,"(Y/N)." You two swapped numbers and started a blooming relationship.<33


You could not contain your excitement!I mean,It IS your first One Direction signing.Because your parents,School,And your job.
So anyway,You were excited and you were next in line.Louis glanced up at you and glanced and glanced and glanced.You could tell the little fan got pretty annoyed,"Uhm.Hellooo?I'm right here!" Louis shot her a sincere smile,"Sorry Love." The obviously pretty rude fan didn't think this was over,"What're you even like in her?She's just..Just average!Actually below average!" 
That actually hurt.You quickly got out of line and ran towards the door.Once you were outside you sat on the curb and let a few tears fall down your face."Hey,hey don't cry." You heard a familier voice as he rubbed your back."Your beautiful.She's just jealous." The voice said."I got a joke..Why did the Mushroom go to the party?" He paused,"Because he's a fun-gey!".You laughed at his cheezy joke.Once you were all better he asked you on a date.Which started the awesome relationship.


You were taking your fangirling little sister to a Justin Biebs concert."Will he see me?Will he?Will he?!" She squealed.You smiled,"Of course!Why wouldn't he your so pretty." She giggled.As the concert began with Baby you noticed the guy sitting next to you,Blonde,Snapback,Totally cute."I'm Niall!" He practically shouted over the screaming fans.
"(Y/N)!" You shouted back.
You had a nice scream fest back and fourth to get to know each other only going out a few days later to start a amazing relationship.


You've been dragging your little brother around to go see a rerun of Toy Story they made in 3D.He already complained he doesn't want to see it again.
But your parents thought it would be bonding moment and,You kinda wanted to see it.
You bought popcorn and soda and went off into the theatre.You took your seat and the movie began.The guy next to you nudged your shoulder,"I love this part." He said.
You smiled,"Me too." 
The both of you chatted throughout the movie bugging people around you.But you two didn't care!


You were twiddling your thumbs waiting for the next person to get a tatoo.
Why waiting?Because you ink them.Your a pro.Like,legit.
The next person came in and smiled,and stuck out his hand."Zayn." 
"(Y/N)..What do you want today?" You have to admit..He was attractive.
"I actually want a big..Zap on my upper arm,Like from the comics." He replied.You chuckled,"I like that.It's a great idea." You got the ink ready and pulled out the needle (I don't know what it's called!I've never got a tat before.. xD) 
As the process began he closed his eyes,"This one hurts.."
You weakily smiled,"It's okay just think of something keep your mind off of it." He laughed lightly,"I'll think of..," His voice trailed off,"..How pretty you are." You smiled at the cheezy comment.
You two swiched numbers at the end and had a wonderful date.<3

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