Youre both secretly cheating on each other

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Harry: Harry watches as you leave the house, backpack on for another day of school. He reaches for his phone, flipping through his contacts before clicking one in particular to send a message he shouldn't be sending. You toss your backpack in the back seat, rolling your eyes because if Harry paid attention to anything he would know your class doesn't start for another three hours. You drive around for a while, turning down several streets until you're sure no one followed you before pulling down a familiar street. You pull into the garage, the door closing behind you before you enter the house. "Rob?" you ask. You've been with Harry for two years most of which he's been gone. Robert Pattinson appears and you're once again struck that you're cheating with Robert Pattinson but that's how the cards fell. You'd met at a party after Kristen had cheated on him and when Harry had disappeared as he so often did and the famous actor had kept you company. It hadn't always been like this, you'd only started sleeping with him a few months ago but that didn't make things better. Just when you thought you were done being unfaithful, Rob would call and you'd run to him. Harry lay slumped against the couch as Felicity redressed, the guilt started to eat away as it always did. He had never pegged himself as a cheater but here he was, watching his ex redress after having sex. On opposite sides of the city, both of you tried to push away the guilty feeling of cheating away as you left your lovers behind to continue your day.

Liam: You lay in a familiar yet unfamiliar bed, staring at the ceiling as the body beside you breaths gently. You turn your head and take in the sight of the boy who most certainly isn't your boyfriend. You sigh, the overwhelming feeling of guilt and sickness taking over your body as you slip from the bed. You redress quietly and slip from the room before leaving the dorm building all together. Your boyfriend is across the world on another tour and here you are, sneaking out of some boy's dorm room at 3am. He's too drunk to remember sleeping with Liam Payne's girlfriend and that's the only comforting thing about tonight. Somewhere across the world, Liam pulls his pants up as the girl in front of him gives him a sexy smile. She smirks, gives him a wink and leaves the bathroom and the guilt starts to eat at Liam immediately. He hates that he does this but being away is hard, literally. It's not that he doesn't love you but sometimes, the temptation is too much. It's not that you don't love him but sometimes, you miss him too much.

Niall: The room spins as you tug your panties back up your legs. The boy in front of you watches, grinning because he just fucked Niall Horan's girlfriend but he's drunk... way too drunk to remember this encounter in the morning. You sigh, stumbling away while pressing a hand to your mouth while trying to find the bathroom. You hunch over the toilet and vomit, for more than one reason - that you over drank. You've just cheated on your boyfriend, again, and you can't stop the tears from falling. You hate yourself for this but Niall's never around and you just want someone to love you. Across the channel, Niall lies in bed beside a girl that isn't his girlfriend but his ex. Ali rolls over, her back to Niall and Niall can't stop the tears that form in his eyes. This is the fourth time he's done this, slept with Ali while visiting family in Ireland. He hates himself, hates that he can turn off his emotions long enough to fuck someone that isn't you. He hates that he's cheating and he hates that you don't even know.

Louis: He wasn't even your boyfriend's best friend, but your boyfriend's, band mate's best friend, and you were sleeping with him. Andy was the only one around when the boys left for tour, and his presence comforted you. He was always inviting you out to the club with him, and you never turned him down. You thought it better that you were dating Louis rather than Liam, but of course sleeping around still made you uneasy. As you lay down with Andy for another night of guilty pleasure, Louis helps his third random catch this week with her clothes. Delicately handing her every piece of clothing he had stripped from her not an hour before and chugging a bottle of vodka. As he kisses her cheek and opens his hotel room door for her to exit, you undress yourself as you prepare for a night filled with lust; lust you weren't willing to give up. No actual love to be found in either case.

Zayn: You hated yourself afterwards, but that hate never seemed to stop from showing up at your ex' s doorstep every time he called. Zayn also never let his quilt get to him as he let another bartender from the club into his hotel room for the night. You never allowed your boyfriend to cross your mind as your ex kissed you in all the right places before undressing you and laying you down for the night. Zayn also never thought of you as he drank up the last of what the minibar had to offer and stepped over to the already undressed girl in his bed. You always went back home the next morning with tears in your eyes wondering why you were doing what you were to the one person you loved so much. And as you comb over the pictures the fans had sent you of your boyfriend that morning you notice his somber mood matches yours exactly.

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