"I Need You"

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Louis : '(y/n)?' Sick Louis asks. ' Yes honey?' You put your book down and look at him. 'I'm hungry' ' I will make u some soup if you want?' he nods You walk to the door when u hear him say : ' No (y/n) i need u, come back' 'I tought you were hungry?' ' I changed my mind, i just want to cuddle and watch movies with my girlfriend' A smile appears on your face . ' i would love to' He opens his arms as you cuddle up to him. he lays his arm over your belly and his head on yours. ' i love you' he whispers ' i love you too' you say back while he squeeze a kiss on your forehead.

Niall : ' stop it' you shout laughing but your best friend Niall doesn't care , he tickles you even harder. ' Time for revenge Horan.' 'Bring it on' You go lay down on top of him and tickle him anywhere where possible. His laugh lights up the room, you keep going. But suddenly you feel soft warm lips on yours. You pull back,not that u don't want the kiss contrary you are in love with him but you're confused. ' I'm sorry (y/n)' ' you don't have to sorry' ' I knew it you don't feel the same way, i need u in my life not as a bestfriend but as something more. i need u for the cuddles before i go to sleep,your hugs when im feeling down, the kisses when.. He can't finish his sentice cauze you interrupts him by kissing him. ' i love you Niall' 'I love you too Princess' as he leans back again for another kiss.

Harry : ' You and Harry had an argumant about some girl he was flirting with last night. 'Being drunk is not a reason to flirt with other girls' you say to him 'am i not good enough for you?' 'Maybe they're not so overdramatic as you're and more fun' 'Ow so this is what u want?u want to end us? Goodnight Styles' as you turn your back to him and walk upstairs with tears in your eyes as you lock the door. Few minutes later u hear a knock on your door. ' Can i come in please babe?' 'No leave me alone.' ' I'm sorry (y/n), i dind't mean anything, i don't like those other girls i was drunk, i want you nothing else just you, i don't want to end us' You can hear him cry. ' i need u.. not the others you have that sparkle in your eyes, your adorable laugh, that sweet taste on your lips..you open the door and kiss him passionately. ' i love you (y/n)' ' i love you too harry'

Liam : It was your weekly movie night with your boyfriend liam, you cuddle up to him in the couch. Your legs between his, you head rested on his chest,your hands into his. ' Sweetheart' he says soft ' Yes liam?' 'i need u for the rest of my life, i want to stay like this forever,together,happy,peacefull,in love,you have no idea how mutch i love you and i want you for the rest of my life to be here in my arms, i want to have adorable kids with u, kiss you in front of your parents where we both say i do, you, i want to grow old together and be with u for the rest of my life' i would love to' you say pressing a kiss on his lips. 'Promise?'
' I promise.


Zayn : ' i wish he told me from the start that he was going to break my heart' you cry. Your boyfriend cheated on you, you had take your bags and drived to your best friend 'Zayn' 'Please stop crying (y/n)' 'But.. i tought he was the one' you sob ' Don't say he is the one, you have no idea, its heart breaking to see the person i love cry? that has no idea how fast my heart races as i see her, that i love and want to spent the rest of my life with,that i loved from the first day i met? You are the person, i love you. he says when he is walking to you. 'i need u (y/n) here in my arms everyday' He looks ate the ground. You pull his head up with your hands and lay a soft kiss on his lips. ' Can i tell u a secret zayn? Truth is there never was anyone else i only wanted you but i tought you dind't feel the same way so i decided to move on, i love you zayn' as you give him a hug.

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