New FanFic?!

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Hey guys it's me

So I know I haven't been updating a lot lie, I normally did but I'm having troubles and I need to concentrate on school to.

But my friend decoded to help my run my account! Her name is Caitlin and I hope you guys enjoy her preferences!

Also me and her are gonna put our creativity ( lol ) together and make a fanfic about one of the magcon boys!

Comment which one you would like to read about and post it here ----------------------->

The top three will go against and which ever one wins will be the one that the fanfic will be about, I know I made another fanfic but is now gone in lala land, this one will be A LOT better than the other one lol

So guys even if you're annoyed with all of theze notes I really need your help on this book!

Also of you wanna be I'm it just comment here to ------------> just the basics like your name hair color eye color and what's your hobbies that's all!

Thank you to all the people who have kept this "book" with you guys and I hope you will support the fanfic 2!!

Love you guys M'WAH!

- Steph & Caitlin

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