First fight

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First Fight

Harry: "Well excuse the fuck out of me" you scream and Harry cringes. "Shh, people will hear you" he says and your eyes widen. "You do NOT SHUSH ME IN MY OWN FUCKING HOUSE HARRY STYLES" you scream and his eyes narrow. "Calm the fuck down! It's just one date I've missed" he seethes and you scoff. "It's the fifth date you've missed you asshat. Learn how to keep the fuck up with your life" you snap, storming into your bedroom and slamming the door.

Liam: "Don't you know how to buy groceries?" you question Liam as you peer into his fridge. "I thought you were going to go?" he says and you snap. "I don't fucking live here Liam! If you want me to cook for you, you have to buy fucking groceries! You're a grown ass man now, stop acting like such a child" you cry and he stares at your wide eyed. "Are you really upset with me over not buying groceries" he asks, jumping when you slap the pot you'd been using as a mixing bowl to the ground. "Yes I am! You're a grown man now, you can go to the grocery store!" you shout, storming from the house as Liam stares at the shut door.

Niall: "Just come out with me" Niall asks again and you sigh. "I have to study" you remind him and he scoffs. "You're always studying" he complains. "Well I'm sorry, not all of us are in a boyband and get paid to sing" you counter and he narrows his eyes at you. "That's not funny, stop being such a home body and come out with me" he pushes, taking your book from you and you stand. "Give it back! Niall, I have to study! This isn't funny, I can't go out tonight! Just go, leave!" you shout, shoving him towards the door while wrenching your book form his hands.

Louis: You had been living with your boyfriend for only a few weeks when you were made aware of how unorganized he actually was. You weren't sure how someone who was so busy still managed to keep the house he was never in a complete wreck. "Lou where's the cord for the camera?" you shout down to your boyfriend, who had placed himself on the couch for the day. "I don't know." He shouts back, leaving your steaming. This was the third thing this week that you had gone looking for and that he had no clue where to find it. "What the fuck Lou? Why can't you keep up with things?" you say to yourself, but loud enough for him to hear you. You don't hear him get up and walk into the room, so you continue to curse him as you search for his camera cord. "It's just a cord (y/n)." he says. "Yeah, it may be, but this is the third thing this week I've tried to find and I can't because of the mess you live in." you scold. "If you don't like it, you live here now, clean the fucking house!" he shouts. "I shouldn't have to clean the house in order to find shit Lou! You should be able to keep up with your shit." You say storming out of the room.

Zayn: "What the fuck is this?" he says looking at what you had brought over for dinner. "It's fried chicken. It's my mom's recipe so I thought I would make you some." You say innocently. He looks at you in disgust. "I thought you liked chicken Zayn?" you ask. "Not every fucking day, holy shit. You've brought food over every day this week and it's been nothing but chicken." He shouts storming out of the kitchen. "You're really angry with me over fixing chicken too many times?" you say watching him walk up the stairs to the bedroom. You let his anger towards you go, knowing it was only the product of a stressful day.

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