He sees you with your new guy

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Harry: Harry's enjoying his day off, the only day off he's had in what seems like months. In reality, it's been only weeks but days without you seem much longer to him now that you're gone. He should have known it would have been only a matter of time until you got tired of being second best to his job. You weren't that type of girl, the one to sit around and hope he remembered you existed. You had been that for over a year before you tired of it, tired of him and his inability to stop being flirtatious. He's seated at a small café with Louis, enjoying a late lunch when he spots you. You're the first one he sees, his eyes landing on your form dressed in a simple pair of black leggings and baggy sweater before he notices the man at your side. "Isn't that Jeremy Renner?" Louis wonders, turning to see what had captivated his friend's attention. "Yeah" Harry answers dryly, watching as you giggled at something he had said before leaning up on your toes to press a kiss to his smiling lips. "I... this can't be happening" Harry grumbles, trying to pinch himself and Louis can't help but chuckle. "You knew they were together... this shouldn't surprise you" Louis whispers, offering you a smile when you pause at their table in surprise. "Hey (Y/N)" Louis greets warmly, standing to pull you in for a hug because after all, you had been like another sister to him. "Louis... Harry" you greet cautiously, leaning back into Jeremy's reassuring hold and Harry forces a smile, just for you. "This is Jeremy" you introduce cautiously, watching as Jeremy offered a smile and hand to Louis first, then Harry. Harry eyed the hand for a moment, glancing to see the cautious but hopeful look on your face. He's reminded of the photos he's seen of the two of you, the happiest smile he's ever seen plastered across your face in each one. He's reminded of a few moments earlier, when he had seen how easy you fit against Jeremy's strong side and the look of content that had crossed your always-beautiful face when he had kissed your temple while waiting for a table. "Nice to meet you" Harry finally says, standing to shake Jeremy's hand in a way that lets him know he's thankful you have him, thankful that you found someone that could do what he couldn't; put you first.

Liam: He had heard rumors, rumors of your newest beau... if you could call it newest. It had been more than two years since your breakup but Liam had always held onto some shred of hope that you could possibly reunite. The magazines spread out around him told him differently. "Prince Harry and his girlfriend, (Y/N), vacationing in Barbados. Could this be the romantic destination for another royal proposal?" the titles read, or something akin to that. Pictures haunted his dreams of your smiling face, small hand held in the prince's tightly as you moved about the small streets and no matter what he did, he couldn't get those out of his mind. The worst though, are those few photos of the red head prince pressing kisses to your lips on the side of the yacht you were on; the kisses pressed to your lips in the ocean or on the white beaches. He's not sure if you'll be in attendance for the Royal gala he and the boys are performing at but he hopes you're not; he's never prayed for something more than that. He's sadly proven wrong that not all prayers are answered when he notices you at the end of the hall, leaning against the wall dressed to the nines in a gold chiffon gown his prince couldn't keep his hands off of and an easy smile. The future king appears, tugging on one of your soft curls in a sign of affection before clapping his brother on the shoulder. Liam can't help but watch, stare, as Prince Harry leans down and his lips meet yours for a brief, yet passionate kiss. Your hand cups his cheek lovingly, thumb rubbing across his cheek before you let the security detail lead you away and Liam catches the briefest of twinkle of sparkling diamonds on your left ring finger before it's gone. "On behalf of my family and my future bride, we'd like to extend our warmest..." Prince Harry trails off and Liam stands shell shocked as the boys surround him. "I... can't do this" he wheezes but then his pocket buzzes and he sees he has a new text. "I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you in person or at least warn you. I hope you can be happy for me as I'll always be happy for you. I wish you nothing but the best Lili and I hope you can wish me the same. Now, straighten up cowboy... you have girls to charm and ladies to swoon" your text reads and Liam smiles. "Let's do this" he says softly to the boys, looking to where you're seated with the royal family and he smiles at you; one you return alongside your fiancé and Liam discovers, he doesn't hate the red head as much as he probably should.

Niall: Niall's having a blast at the BBC awards, well, he always has a blast at award shows; probably due to all the free alcohol that is usually included at these kind of award shows. He forgets, for a moment, that you're in attendance with your new boyfriend. He's avoided looking around for that very reason, not particularly found of the idea of seeing you with him. "And now the award for best album goes to... Olly Murs" the announcer calls, the audience erupting into applause and cheers for the British singer. The boys are somewhat shocked from their seats but finally begin clapping and smiling for their friend but Niall can't bring himself to be happy. He turns his head at the commotion of Olly hurrying towards the stage before the blonde turns on his heal. He strides the short distance back to the table, arm sliding around your waist to pull you towards him to press a happy kiss to your giggling lips before he turns. "I can't believe this, I really can't! I was not expecting to win tonight so I don't have anything prepared. I suppose I should thank my family and everyone at the record label. I should definitely thank Simon for giving me a chance on the X-Factor because without that I wouldn't be here. Uh... I wanna thank my amazing co-host on stage, Caroline but most of all... I want to thank my amazing partner, (Y/N), for being beautiful and supportive and understanding and... well, that's all I can think of right now" he chuckles and Niall rolls his eyes as the crowd laughs. "But thank you, to everyone who had a hand in this and I love you all" Olly finishes before waving and making his way off stage. Niall follows Olly's form back to his table, where he embraces you once again with a longer kiss. He sees your lips moving in congratulations as your fingers cup his face and Niall fights the urge to vomit. "Congrats Olly" Liam says with a bright smile, standing to greet the taller man with a handshake. "Thanks mate... wasn't expecting to win, though you lot had it in the bag" Olly chuckles, watching as you greet all the boys with smiles and hugs before stopping at Niall. "You and us both" Niall snaps, rejecting your greeting before storming away. "It's alright love, he's just drunk" Zayn offers, watching your face fall before Olly takes you away. "Can we just go home" Niall hears you ask from his spot around the corner. "Whatever you want love" Olly answers softly. "I just, didn't expect him to hate me so" you say quietly and Niall turns his head to find Olly wrapping you in his arms. "Hey, don't let him ruin your mascara poppet" Olly reminds you, lifting your chin to press another kiss to your lips and you giggle softly before sighing. "I want you to take me home, so I can congratulate you properly" you whisper against his neck and Niall closes his eyes because he's lost you.

Louis: It was safe to say that moving on wasn't easy for him. In fact you could say that moving on from you wasn't even possible for him, or at least that's what he would say. You had told him that it was okay for him to move on, that it would be good for him, but he had none of it. He would 'always be in love with you' no matter what. This forced you to think about your decision to move on for more than you should have. You made yourself think that you were okay with the hate and drama your relationship with him attracted when in all reality it only killed you. The constant hatefulness of the fans towards you and him wasn't worth it anymore, so you had decided to move on. "Louis Tomlinson's ex finds herself a new man, find out who after this," Ryan Seacrest tells the E!News viewers as the television goes to commercial. "Dude, don't," Liam tells Louis as he walks over to consult his friend. "I just want to know who it is," he says sorrowfully, his eyes locked on the screen. "Mate you don't have to do this. She's the past," Liam says trying to bring Louis out of his trance. Louis says nothing as he turns his head slightly, shooting Liam a hateful glare. "Fine," Liam says as he sits down at the foot of the bed to find out the answer for himself. "So just over a year after her split from One Direction heartthrob Louis Tomlinson," Ryan begins the segment. "(y/n) has finally found herself someone, which sources say, she is very happy with." As the screen cuts to pictures of you and Josh Hutcherson out on an LA shopping trip the day prior, Louis's heart breaks as he pulls his knees into his chest to continue watching the segment. Liam looks back at his band mate, feeling hopeless, knowing that if he were to try to say anything at this moment Louis would only resent him for it. The pictures show him the smile he had spent over a year missing, and he was crushed. He didn't want to believe that there was someone else out there that could make you smile the way he used to. As the pictures scrolled across the screen it paused on the picture of you and Josh daintily holding hands as he kisses your forehead while standing in a checkout line. Your head is tilted down, with your eyes closed, as an infectious smile spreads across your face. "FUCK HIM!!" Louis shouts, heaving the remote into the television, causing the lights to flicker. Louis's head is now in between his legs as tears fall from his eyes onto the hotel bed. Liam slowly gets up from the corner of the bed and walks over putting his arm tightly around Louis's shoulder, "It happens to all of us mate."

Zayn: He certainly wasn't expecting to see you as he walked through the streets of London. You had told him that you were going back to America after two of you broke up so seeing you in London was very surprising. You were sitting alone on the patio outside of Pierino as Zayn starred at you in confusion from across the street. Why were you in London? Why hadn't you gone home like you had said you were going to? He didn't understand why you were still here since missing the States so much was one of the reasons why you had left him nearly a year ago. He decides to make his move and go find out some answers. He crosses the road rather rapidly, which catches your attention almost immediately. Your eyes widen as you see him walking up to you with no real emotion on his face. "Hi," you say worriedly, a little glitch in your tone. "What are you doing here? I thought you moved back to America," he inquires of you. "I....I went back," you answer, looking into his piercing eyes, before turning to look at the restaurant door. "Well then why are you back?" He asks, his eyes starting to water up. It's then that his worst fears are realized as a guy walking out of the restaurant walks over to your table, a bright smile on his face until he recognizes Zayn. "Hey man," Finn says extending his hand to Zayn. Zayn looks at it in disgust as he speaks up, "Can I talk to you for a second?" You agree and get up from your seat, promising Finn you would return to him shortly. Zayn walks with his back turned to you for nearly a block. "Zayn!" You shout after him, halting his pace. "Who....who even is that kid?" He asks, his voice raised. "Is he your boyfriend? Is that why you came back to London, because he was here?" He stammers, unaware of how emotional he was actually becoming. "Calm down Zayn," you say trying your best not to shout. He closes his eyes, taking deep breaths in as he tries to calm himself down. "Who is he?" He asks again, this time in a much more calm tone of voice. "That's Finn," you answer, looking him dead in the eyes. "Are you two...together?" he continues. "Yes," you confess, knowing you've just broken his heart. "Right," he says, closing his eyes and hanging his head. You look at him as his head continues to hang, unsure of what to do. You had moved on from him, it had been almost a year after all, but his emotions hurt you right now. You hadn't wanted to hurt him, but it was inevitable you thought. He was going to find out about you dating Finn Harries whether he ever came into contact with you or not. "I've got to get back," you tell him softly before turning around to head back to your table. He looks up slowly to see Finn get up from the table to pull your chair out, leaving a kiss on your cheek. He shuts his eyes, before reopening them to flutter the tears away, knowing it was over.

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