Chapter Two

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Tommys POV

I blinked in the sudden sunlight of the early morning as I looked next to me and saw adam sleeping, he got in mega early. I slid from bed careful not to shake the bed too much as I got dressed and headed into the kitchen. I boiled the kettle and scrolled through my messages, there was one from adam at 3 am. On way home now babe see you when you get home from work it had said.

At the end was a kissy emoji, I smiled at his lovey texts. I met him a few years back in a bar, he was lovely to me, we got along so well and hit it off. We soon became a couple, that was 2 years ago. Its funny I went to the bar to drown my sorrows, when my parents found out I was gay they went crazy. I remembered them telling me I wasn't their son, and that I was disgusting. After a few months of endless homophobic abuse I left, I was only 17. Adam and I started out as friends then became a couple, it was a whirlwind romance. I loved him so much, but he was always working.

I heard the car horn outside as I made tea in my travel mug and grabbed some fruit as I dashed out the door to cams car. "Morning" she said brightly, "hey" I replied smiling." "Hows loverboy?" she questioned, "sleeping he got home really late last night" I told her as we drove past the club about a 15 minute walk from our apartment. It was called pole to pole, it was a gay strip club. Ive seen the dancers coming out of there, Id never been there but people I knew said they had some hot guys there.

"That place is trashy as hell" cam told me, "how would you know?" I laughed. "Worked there for a few months didn't I, the guys were hot as hell but the place itself is just your average club with poles and secret rooms for private parties" she explained. "Sounds interesting" I retorted, "it was certainly that all those half naked men damn" she said. "Youre such a perv!" I said as we laughed, "well here we are" she said stopping.

We climbed out of the car as I looked up at the hall in front of us, we went inside gold and red decorations surrounded us. "Its a bit fancy in here" I commented, "yeah well it is the rich end of LA what do you expect" she commented. We headed inside as we headed for the hall, we were performing here today well at least the singer that hired us was. We were just the band, the singer was Katy Perry. We had been friends with her for ages then when her album teenage dream started coming together, she asked us to be her band so we said yes or course.

"Ok so lets go straight in with not like the movies" katy instructed as she stepped up to the mic, we started playing the chords as she sang. My mind wandered as my hands ran over the strings on my guitar, I listened to the lyrics as I played.

He put it on me, I put it on,

Like there was nothing wrong

It didn't fit,

It wasn't right

Wasn't just the size

They say you know,

When you know

I don't know

My hands slipped as I played the chord, "tommy" cam said. "Sorry my hand slipped" I replied, "that's the 4th time in half hour. I think we need to take a break" katy replied as I put down my guitar and headed backstage. Cam was hot on my heels as she pushed the door open and looked at me. "Ok tommy whats the deal?" she asked. I stopped pacing and looked at her, "it doesn't matter" I mumbled as she crossed her arms.

"Late again, smelling of alcohol, doesnt even touch me anymore, I don't see him!" I muttered as I paced the floor. "What are you muttering about?" she questioned, "adam something isn't right here. Hes lying about something, I know he is but I don't know what about. All those late nights, the alcohol he smells of everytime he comes home, he smells I don't know not like of sex but of other peoples cologne. He doesn't touch me anymore we haven't had sex in 6 months for goodness sake! I don't see him. Hes always at work, he comes in I go to work. Its always the same everyday, its driving me insane!" I cried pulling my hair in frustration.

"Woah stop!" she cried, I paced the floor restlessly as she grabbed my shoulders and held me still. "Tommy youre overthinking this, he probably works in a bar or something. Your driving youself insane, what do you think hes doing sleeping with some other guy?" she asked. "Well no he wouldn't do that, he loves me. But something doesn't add up I keep pushing it out of my mind, but then theres something in the back of my mind that just makes no sense" I commented.

"Stop worrying, you said yourself adam wouldn't ever do anything that would wreck your relationship. You need to stop freaking out, we're meant to be focusing on katy's songs. Get your head in the game tommy, focus on the chords not on anything else" she told me. "Youre right, I need to focus on my job for now" I said. "Awesome now come on lets go" she replied dragging me back on stage, "ready?" katy asked. I nodded "lets go!" I answered as she smiled and counted us in. All suspicions of adam and me were pushed back as I focused on the chords.

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