Chapter Eight

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"Whats with the long sleeved tops lately its like 35 degrees everyday" adam asked pouring out 2 glasses of orange juice. "I think I caught a chill on tour" I replied taking the glass from his hands, "well wearing long sleeved tops isn't going to help is it" he answered rummaging through the cupboard. "What are you looking for?" I questioned as he threw a box to me, "cold and flu tablets?" I said raising an eyebrow. He nodded "gotta have my babe healthy" he replied, "i'll take them later" I stated.

Adams phone buzzed as he picked it up and read the text, his eyes fell on me as I blinked. "What?" I asked, "katy just text. She seems worried about you" he told me. "Im fine, im going to go and get dressed" I told him sliding off the chair and heading upstairs. My fingers ran over the new cuts on my arms, they were still sore but they had stopped bleeding now. I pulled on my top as adam called me, I made my way downstairs as he held out the glinting silver razor.

"What was that doing in your bag?" he questioned holding it up to me, "why were you going down my bag?" I snapped. "I was going to borrow your eyeliner then I found this" he replied, "you could have just asked. Besides that's been in there for ages, I haven't gotten round to taking it out I don't use that makeup often" I lied. "Tommy please tell me you haven't used it" he said his eyes searching my face, "no" I replied quietly.

"Tommy don't lie to me" he said, "I didn't mean to adam it just happened. Everything was getting on top of me, I didn't know what else to do im sorry adam im sorry" I protested. He looked at me and sighed, "show me" he asked quietly. I swallowed and pulled my sleeves up showing him the angry red cuts, he lightly traced his fingertips over them as I winced. "Oh tommy, you were doing so well" he mused, "I know I hate myself for it adam really I do but everything kept going wrong. You weren't there, I wanted to feel something. I needed to, im just so tired adam" I explained.

"Its ok, youre right I haven't been here that much. I didn't know things had gotten this bad, im going to throw this away ok?" he said the sliver of silver in his hands. I nodded as he dropped it into the bin, "we need to dress that properly ok?" he questioned. "Okay" I replied as he took my hand and gently walked me over to the table, "are you mad at me?" I asked my eyes falling on his as he halted above my arm.

"No tommy, I feel bad. I should have known, all those bad dreams. Instead I was wrapped up in my own stuff" he told me. "It it going to hurt?" I whispered as he dipped the cotton wall into antiseptic, "it will probably sting. An awful lot I should imagine but it needs properly cleaning and dressing unless you want me to take you to the hospital?" he said. "You do it" I replied. He placed the cotton wool on my arm as tears sprung to my eyes, I dug my nails into the palm of his hand as he dabbed it.

He dried it and pulled a bandage from the box and wrapped it round my arm, "is that too tight?" he asked with a safety pin in between his teeth. I shook my head, I watched his brow furrow with concentration as his eyes followed the bandage as it wrapped round my arm. He flicked his fringe from his eyes with a move of his head as I watched him intently. He looked up and smiled, "what you looking at?" he asked. "You" I replied, he blushed "what about me?" he questioned.

"I was thinking how lucky I am to have you, brains and beauty" I mused running my hand over his cheek as he leant into it. "Youre not stupid or ugly either" he replied taking my hand in his and lifting it to his lips. "I know but im messed up remember" I told him, he smiled "I don't care. I never did, I love you for you. Messed up or not youre all mine" he told me. I smiled and grabbed his jacket pulling him towards me, I kissed him softly. I could feel his lips turn upwards as I kissed him, "I love you" I whispered.

"And I you tommy" he replied rounding the table and kissing me again as I put my arms round his waist. I yawned as he looked at me, "come on now we've got you bandaged I think you should get some sleep. I'll sit with you so you don't have bad dreams" he told me. "Ok" I answered taking his outstretched hand as he walked me upstairs. He sat next to me on the bed, "promise you wont go?" I questioned.

"Cross my heart now go to sleep" he instructed as I rolled over, he gently stroked my hair knowing it made me tired. My eyes grew heavy as I stopped fighting and surrendered to my body. I fell into a dreamless sleep knowing adam was next to me.

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