Chapter Four

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"Why are you here! What do you want!" I shouted, "Now now Thomas is that any way to talk to your mother?" she asked. "Youre not my mother" I hissed, "I know im the last person you want to see but could you give me just 10 minutes?" she asked. "Fine" I retorted, "we'll see you in a bit tommy" katy said. "Stay calm" cam whispered putting her hand on my shoulder as I nodded and watched them go. "Right my friends have gone what do you want you have 10 minutes and then you can go" I told her, "anyone would think you don't want to see me. Can we sit?" she replied sitting on the edge of the stage.

"I have no reason to want to see you" I told her. She sighed "you look well tommy, the LA air and people seem to be doing you wonders. Hows adam?" she asked. "Don't play the doting mother, my life is no longer your concern. You disowned me remember now get to the reason youre here" I said sitting at the other end of the stage. "You don't know what it was like, people looking at us because our son wasn't normal. Everyone talked, we had a reputation to uphold. Having one normal child one that wasn't" she explained. "You mean the fact I was gay? Go on say it, I hope your precious reputation was worth it, nice to know the proper reason you disowned me" I snapped.

"Well what did you expect us to do, being the way you are is disgusting it isn't right. Boys are meant to like girls not other boys" she answered. "Wow, your lack of remorse for your actions is kind of pathetic. You were meant to be my mother! I expected you  to stand by me no matter what, most people would back whatever their children chose" I replied. "Oh come on Tommy, life isn't how the movies and books are. Why are you still bitter about this?" she snapped.

"I was 17 mother, after all those years of being called names and bullied at school I got it from home aswell. You don't know the lengths of what I did to deal with that, I think you should go" I replied quietly standing. "Fine" she replied standing as I heard her start to walk away, "your grandma died the funeral is next week. Your granddad will want you there, as for us we aren't all that bothered" she replied as she left.

I sank to the floor breathing heavily, I felt numb. I sat just staring at the wall, my grandparents were the only ones in my family that didn't care if I was gay. Now my grandma was gone. I heard someone calling my name but it sounded distant, muffled as though I was underwater. Someone snapped their fingers in front of my face as I blinked and saw katy and cam staring at me. "We saw her leave, we came to find you but you were totally zoned out is everything ok?" cam asked. "Its fine" I replied standing up, "tommy?" katy said. "Im fine really I thought we were going to the bar, I need a drink" I said as I started walking towards the door followed by katy and cam.

A few hours later....

"I should get home" I said sliding off the stool, "will you be ok getting home?" katy asked. "Yep" I answered, "the car will pick you up at 7 am ok?" she replied I nodded and walked unsteadily towards the door. I stumbled home and after dropping my keys a few times unlocked the door and went inside, Adam ran down the stairs. "Tommy where have you been? Ive called you loads" he said, "out" I replied. "Riiight" he mused, "why are you not at work?" I asked slowly making my way towards the kitchen.

"Night off, thought maybe we could go get dinner maybe go to the movies?" he suggested as I sipped a glass of water, "maybe depends what film" I replied. He shrugged "I don't know, tommy are you ok youre very pale" he asked. I held my hand up "hold that thought" I replied running from the room, I ran for the bathroom as adam ran after me. He rubbed his hand in circles on my back, "ok maybe we wont go out. I think its best we stay in" he replied.

Clearly the tequila was a bad idea, my throat burned as I coughed then spat as I flushed the chain. "Im sorry" I replied as I wiped my hand over my mouth. "Its ok" Adam answered wetting the flannel in his hands, he clipped my fringe from my face as he ran the cool cloth over my hot face wiping away the mascara smudges gently. I leant into his touch as he ran the cold cloth over my lips, he dropped it into the sink and handed me a glass of water.

Tears threatened to run down my cheeks "hey don't get upset, everyone gets sick" he told me. I shook my head "its not that just hold me please" I said as he pulled me into his lap pulling me close to his body. "Whats wrong tommy?" he asked, "shes dead Adam" I told him. "Who?" he asked, "my grandma shes gone adam, The funeral is next week" I said as he held me tighter.  "We should probably get off this cold floor" adam stated after a while. I nodded as he stood and pulled me up, my grip on his arm tightened as the room span. "Ok?" he asked, "yeah I just got up too quickly" I replied blinking as it stopped.

"Pick a film i'll go and get drinks" adam told me as he disappeared into the kitchen, I picked out a film and waited for adam for at least 10 minutes. It surely doesn't take that long to grab a drink, I stood and went towards the kitchen. I heard adam on the phone as I stopped outside, "no I cant not tonight. Tommy is sick, yes of course I care but tommy comes first. Don't get pissed off, i'll see you tomorrow ok" he said as I heard him coming towards the door. I went back into the front room and sat down, "hey I brought drink" adam said sitting next to me and handing me a glass.

"Thanks" I replied taking it from him, "do you want me to come to the funeral with you?" he asked. I nodded, he held my hand as we watched the film. My mind drifted to  his phone conversation, he was definitely hiding something...

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