Chapter Three

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A/N: From now on this story will be all in Tommys POV :)

"Morning babe no work today?" Adam asked walking into the kitchen in just his boxers. "No thought maybe we could do something we haven't spent time together for ages" I suggested. "I don't know I mean I have stuff to do plus I have work later so" he replied. "Fine whatever, I tried I hope you have a nice day" I told him as I stood and went into the garden. "Hey tommy wait!" adam called after me., "for what more excuses? How you've got things to do and work is obviously more important" I snapped.

"That came out wrong, we should do something" he said, "I wouldn't want to disrupt your day of stuff im just going to go to work I cant be asked. Im done making time and putting in effort" I retorted as I went inside and grabbed my car keys. "Tommy wait!" adam shouted as I shut the front door behind me and climbed into the car, I drove away from the house and pulled up at the concert hall. I went inside as cam and katy looked at me "I thought you were having the day off?" katy asked. "I changed my mind id rather be here with you guys we have a concert to prep for" I replied.

"Awesome im glad you came and joined us tommy shall we get going?" katy asked as me and cam nodded. I draped my guitar round me as cam looked at me, "what?" I asked. "Did you and adam fight?" she asked eyeing me suspiciously, "I don't want to talk about him come on we're starting" I replied. "Right from the top!" katy cried as we started playing the chords.

A few hours later...

We were sitting on the edge of the stage eating lunch and chatting, "I wanna know about you and adam" katy commented as I almost choked on my water. "What about us?" I questioned putting the bottle next to me. "How did you meet?" She asked, "in a bar nothing glamorous" I replied. "Do you love him?" she questioned, "of course I do I wouldn't be with him if I didn't. But love isn't everything in a relationship" I answered.

"You say that like things aren't peachy?" she told me, "a relationship takes a lot of work. It hard when youre always the one making and effort and making time. It becomes one sided, a relationship is about both people equally making time and effort" I explained. "Sounds like you know that feeling awfully well" she commented, "I do. Much too well unfortunately, to always be trying to meet other peoples expectations and what they think you should do its hard.

"Theres no fun in living up to what other people want you have to choose your own path" cam said as both me and katy looked at her. "What?" she asked in surprise, " that's a bit deep and meaningful for you" I teased. "Oh har har youre a comedian tommy" she replied as katy laughed. "Well what can I sya im a funny guy" I answered, "ok lets get on with rehearsal. The sooner its done the sooner we can hit the bar" katy said as we laughed. We started to play through the second half of the show, I watched her dancing as she sang and smiled.

She was so energetic, I haven't been on tour with her before I don't know if she can get more energetic in concert. My mobile vibrated in my pocket as I ignored it and carried on playing, after we had finished we went through where we were all standing. "I cant believe that in a few hours we're going to be touring round America its crazy" I mused as we packed up our things. "I know its a big step, but im glad you guys are coming with me" katy replied.

"I think we're glad to be part of it aswell" I answered, "so what outfits do you have in mind?" Cam questioned. "Im thinking all candy themed seeing as that's the theme of the album. Like ice cream dresses with sprinkles, dresses with sweets on, candy canes, lollipops and stuff I have a picture of the main dress you want to see?" she told us. We nodded as she fished her phone from her bra and unlocked it, she scrolled down her album and held it out to us.

"This one here" she replied, the dress was pink tutu at the bottom, candy striped on top with a heart in sequins and little sweets stitched to the skirt. "That's so cool!" I replied as she smirked, "yeah I have pink heels to go with it im so excited. I designed it myself you know" she mused. "Its very good, original. I like it" she replied as I put my guitar back in its bag and checked my phone. 6 missed calls from adam and 3 texts, I scrolled through them and rolled my eyes shoving it back in my jacket pocket.

"Tommy" cam said, "one minute" I replied. "No tommy seriously you gotta see this" she told me urgently, "whats wrong?" I asked looking at her. She pointed to the doors as I looked, walking towards us was a blonde woman. "MOM?" I exclaimed as she stopped in front of the stage. "Hello Tommy" She replied crossing her arms. 

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