Chapter Five

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A week later....

I sat up and ran my hands over my face, "morning did you sleep ok after last night?" adam asked looking at me from the dresser where he was doing his hair. "Not really" I replied crossing the room and heading into the bathroom, I splashed cold water over my face. "You know youre only having bad dreams because youre worried about today" adam called as I dried my face. "I guess so" I answered walking back into the bedroom, "it will be ok babe I promise i'll be right there with you holding your hand" he replied shifting over on the seat as I sat next to him.

"We'll get loads of abuse, my parents will be there they think being gay is disgusting" I said sighing quietly. "Screw them, who cares about their messed up opinion now stop worrying" he told me pulling a brush through my tangled hair. "Ouch" I said as he pulled at a tangle, "sorry" he answered teasing it apart with his fingers. "I can do it myself" I answered, "I know I just like brushing your hair" he replied. I rolled my eyes as he finished pulling at my hair, "what time is the funeral?" he asked from the closet.

"2pm" I replied as I shrugged on my suit jacket, "we should leave when we're ready then or we will be late" he said walking into the room. He was dressed in a black suit with a waistcoat and tie, "you look good" I replied trying to straighten my tie. My hands were shaking so much I couldn't get a grip on the tie, "here let me" adam said as I sighed. He crossed the room and had it tightened within seconds, "thanks" I commented.

"Welcome shall we go?" he asked," I suppose" I replied as we headed downstairs and into adams car. We hit the main road to my hometown as I watched out the window at everything passing by in a blur, as we got closer the dread settled in the pit of my stomach like a cold stone. I rung my fingers in my lap as we stopped at a red light, "youre quiet are you ok?" adam asked. "I feel sick" I replied, "do you want me to pull over?" he asked. I shook my head, "we're almost there its just because im nervous its fine" I explained.

"Are you sure?" he questioned pulling into to traffic, "Im sure" I answered. We pulled up outside the church in my hometown as adams topped the car, "ready?" he asked. "As i'll ever be" I replied climbing out of the car and taking a deep breath. Adam locked the car and walked round, I swallowed debating whether to just tell adam we were going home. My granddad spotted us as he came towards us, well definitely cant leave now. "Stop freaking out" adam whispered lacing his fingers with mine as he squeezed gently.

"Tommy you made it, and this must be adam?" he said hugging me and shaking adams free hand. "Its nice to meet you mr Ratliff" adam said politely. "Likewise come lets go" he replied as we walked up towards the church, I saw my parents and looked down not wanting to see the looks of disgust from them. "Its lovely to see you tommy" my granddad said as adam stayed silent, "you too shame not everyone thinks the same" I mused as he followed my gaze to my parents. "Oh don't worry about them, youre here that's all that matters they can stick their opinion up their gongabooch" he said as I smiled.

"I thought you and her were close?" I asked, "we were until she kicked you out and disowned you. It was wrong and immoral, all your aunts, cousins and unlces feel the same. We haven't spoken to her in years, shes only here because grandma was her mother. We had no choice but to invite little miss high and mighty my reputation is all I care about" he explained. "That's crazy" I said as we went inside and sat down, "yeah well not all of your family is twisted" he said as my mother walked past. She gave us the most dirty look as I tried not to laugh, "well that's sure told her if not it pissed her off" I said.

"I guess we better start" my granddad said standing as the church fell silent, I tightened my grip on adams hand that was placed on his lap. The ceremony started, everyone said such lovely things about her. Then my mother stepped up, she gave the whole doting daughter act dropping a few hints at disgrace which were obviously aimed towards me. I avoided her gaze as adam stroked the back on my hand with his fingertips.

 As it drew to and end I watched as she disappeared behind some curtains, a quiet sob escaped my lips as adam put his arms round me. Everyone started to filter out, "are you coming to the wake?" my granddad asked. "Of course but we cant stay late" I told him, "that's fine come on" he replied as we followed him out to the car. "See you in a few" he replied as I nodded and we climbed into adams car, I breathed out as he looked over at me.

"Are you alright?" he asked, "Im surprisingly calm. I cant believe my mother couldn't leave her nasty insults to herself for one day" I snapped running my fingers through my hair. "Don't worry about her theres plenty of people that are on your side tommy" he told me. "I guess so, well lets go get our party on" I said as we headed for the venue of the party.

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