Chapter 7

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“Like THIS.” I say, hurling a blade at the target on the wall. “You need skill, aim, practise.”

Tobias asks me to step in front of the target. I trust him 100% but I can’t help stroking the scar on my ear as I push my hair back. I breathe heavily and I see Tobias’s forehead shining with sweat. I don’t notice the other groups training or the many fascinated, terrified eyes staring at me. I only see the knife fly towards me. I stay very still and don’t flinch. I stare at the opposite wall and heave a sigh of relief as I hear the blade stick in the target just over my head. I step away and bow jokingly, acting as if the Dauntless do this all the time for fun. Then I remember Uriah saying

“We’re going to shoot a muffin off Marlene’s head.”

Maybe it’s just me who doesn’t find the rush of adrenaline that accompanies sharp objects flying at me that fun.

“Who wants to try?” I ask and stare, surprised, as Caleb walks through to the front of the group. Usually he hides at the back but does OK when we put our skills into practise. He grabs a knife from the table and runs his forefinger down the blade. I see him working out the angle and trajectory in his head. He’s very clever and I smile admiringly. He pulls his arm back and hurls the knife through the air. It sticks near the centre of the target.

“Good job, Caleb!” I say proudly

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