Chapter 15

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“Katniss!” Peeta yells and runs into the cell.

He picks her up and spins her round before placing her back down on the ground. He kisses her and hugs her close to him.

“I thought I’d lost you. I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.” He says, his voice cracking.

“It’s ok. I’m ok.” She whispers.

Katniss lets go of Peeta and I know we need to move quickly.

“Ok. Caleb, Tobias and I are going to be avoxes now. We are going to hijack the Games.” I say.

Peeta flinches.

“Please, don’t say hijack.” Says Peeta.

“Sorry. Anyway here’s the plan.” I say and quickly explain what we’re going to do to Katniss. “It was Gale’s idea.”

Katniss turns to look at him and goes over to him. She puts her arms around him.

“You came up with that?” Katniss asks Gale, who nods.

“Someone had to do something. These three don’t know the area.” Gale says, indicating Tobias, Caleb and I. “And Peeta was unconscious.”

“What?” Katniss says, looking at Peeta over Gale’s shoulder. “Never mind. Thank you Gale. Thank you.”

She let’s go of him and I smile, glad that they’re all happy.

“Now, you lot have to stay here. We have to go get into our uniforms.” Tobias says and we leave, lock the cell door and walk up to our own room. I open the door to our room, which isn’t locked and gasp. What I see might be the smallest room known to humanity.

“Oh my god.” Caleb says and sits down on one of the 2 beds in the room. “This isn’t a room, it’s a cupboard.”

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