Chapter 8

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As our group moves around sometimes Christina will leave Uriah and cover our skill. Meanwhile, Tobias and I go and learn new skills with our group. I sit as I watch Peeta paint himself into a tree again and up close the result is even more spectacular. He helps me paint a patch of grass on my arm. We go outside and put it against the ground. I gasp.

“That’s amazing!” I exclaim, astounded.

“You did it, you’re a natural!”

He tells me a story about the 74th arena. He camouflaged himself into a rock to try and hide from the other tributes and Katniss found him and healed him as best she could. We wander around his group, me suggesting designs and him helping them come to life.

We go to Katniss and Gale’s area and I prove horrific at using a bow and arrow. Katniss spends a long time helping me and, after a lot of practise and assistance, I just about to shoot straight.

Delly’s communication lesson proves to be of value since I’m probably not the best communicator. I learn lots of helpful skills like negotiation and leadership.

I fall asleep, exhausted, night after night, from training. But I like it that way because when I’m tired the nightmares don’t come.

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