Chapter 10

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"Go!" Tobias orders the group. "RUN! GO!"

Our group runs and we go deep into the woods. After half an hour I double over with stitch burning my side. The group takes this as a sign to stop and take a break. Peeta's group has been merged with ours and the group of 15 or so mixed faction members are under our command. Its midday and very hot but this time I know better than to lose my focus. Sweat runs down my forehead and several initiates, as we have decided our group members should be known, are dragging their feet.

"Come on. A few more miles and we'll set up camp." says Peeta.

We have agreed to meet up with the other groups where Tobias and I first met Katniss and Gale.

When we finally decide to set up camp, we lay down, exhausted and dripping sweat. Thankfully it's starting to get cooler now the evenings approaching. Peeta, who understands which plants are edible and which are poisonous around here, has said he will assess any plants the initiates are unsure of.

I get up and soon come across some strawberries. I pick a large amount and bring them back to camp. I put them in the steadily growing pile of collected food ready to share out. I see a young girl approaching with what looks like a handful of blackcurrants.

"I have these." She says and holds her hand out to show me them

"Blackcurrants?" I ask and she shrugs.

"I don't know. I'll try one." She says and starts to put one in her mouth.

"NO!" Peeta screams and runs over quicker than I've ever seen him move. "SPIT THAT OUT!"

The girl spits the berry to the floor and drops the others, her hands are stained purple.

"That's NIGHTLOCK! You'd have been dead in a minute!" Peeta says urgently

The girl's eyes widen and frightened tears roll down her cheeks.

"It's ok." Peeta says, putting his arms around her. "It's ok. You didn't eat them. You'll be ok, Prim."

The girl looks up then.

"Prim? My name is Katelin." She says

"I'm sorry, Katelin. You look so much like a girl I used to know." He says

The girl sniffs. "Really?"

Peeta sits down and the girl sits down beside him.

"Oh yes. She was very brave and pretty, just like you. And she had big blue eyes and blonde hair, like you too." He says "And you're 16?"

She shakes her head. "I'm 12."

"But you're too young!" I exclaim before Peeta shushes me.

"Prim was 12 too, but why are you here and not at home?" He asks

"Because my brother was here but I haven't seen him since we started training. I'm from Amity."

Peeta nods.

"He'll be in another group. But don't worry about your brother. See, me and Tobias are your brothers and Tris is your sister, just for the moment." He says, seeing Tobias come over. "Now, why don't you get the others over? I think we have enough food now."

Katelin jumps up and runs off, calling for the others

"You were so good with her." Tobias says admiringly

"Thanks." Peeta says, a blush sweeping across his cheeks.

Everyone comes back to the camp and we share the food out.

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