Chapter 12

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After everyone is safely over the fence we walk through the deserted District.

“Where is everyone?” Katelin asks, grabbing my hand.

“It’s ok. They’re just-“

 I get cut off by a buzz of feedback

“Welcome Citizens of District 12 to the reaping of the 76th annual Hunger Games.” A silly voice trills.

Katniss freezes for a second before sprinting away. The rest of us chase after her. By the time we arrive she is climbing the stairs to the stage.

“NO!” Peeta screams and races after her, pushing peacekeepers out of his way.

Katniss shoves a silly looking man with green hair and blue lipstick out of her way.

“Whatever brave boys and girls are reaped as tributes do as I say now.” Katniss says, her voice echoing back through the speakers set up around the crowded square. “DON’T FIGHT! DON’T FIGHT AND THE CAPITOL DOESN’T WIN! BE BRAVE AND DO WHATS RIGHT. TRUST ME. I WON AND I WISH I HAD DIED!”

Everyone in the crowd raises the 3 middle fingers of their left hand to their lips, then into the sky.

“We will rescue you. We will rescue you from the arena! Trust us!” Katniss says as 2 people all in white drag her away. She wriggles her left hand free of the peacekeepers grasp and returns the salute her district just gave her.

They throw her into the back of a van with blacked out windows and as it drives off Peeta collapses on the stage.

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