19. daily routines

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the signs as... daily routines🙌🏻

Capricorn -- has an existential crisis on the daily

Aquarius -- gets bored easily so brings a book along everywhere

Pisces -- waits for the first idiot to make them mad

Aries -- lots of daydreaming and fangirling

Taurus -- *at work* wishing they were at home. *at home* wishing they were at work

Gemini -- procrastinates everything important

Cancer -- actually gets everything done that they'd planned to get done

Leo -- many possible activities, but ends up doing nothing

Virgo -- wondering if their makeup is ok 24/7

Libra -- crushing hard💘 or not at all💔

Scorpio -- *wakes up* *lives life* *sees their best friend--their bed* *repeats*

Sagittarius -- thinking about what's for their next meal (...quietly praying for garlic bread to be involved)

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