40. dragons

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the signs as... dragons🐉

Capricorn -- blindingly white skin, nearly impossible to spot in arctic regions; can survive months without food; hibernates during summer

Aquarius -- blue skin that glimmers pink; a long, scaly tail rather than hind legs that are built for speed in water; lives in tropical areas; mainly dwells in water

Pisces -- river dweller; prefers freshwater over salt water; long, thin, needle-like teeth to spear fish; skin a murky brown color

Aries -- black with red veins that appear in the wings; breathes fire; lives in volcanic regions

Taurus -- fastest dragon; hide can be any color; near impossible to capture; strikes during night; limited ability of mind control

Gemini -- two-headed dragon; venomous fangs; skin changes color depending on mood

Cancer -- red/orange dragon; makes heat, but does not breathe/create fire; sharpest claws of all dragons; agile

Leo -- a golden hide, blinding in the sunlight; has the ability to heal; obsessed with and drawn to precious metals

Virgo -- white/gray skin, meant to hide in the clouds; controls weather with mood; enjoys soaring past the sunset

Libra -- forest dweller; skin a bright green; spends time healing dying plants; only attacks when something threatens/harms the environment

Scorpio -- jet black; dwells in shadows; glowing red eyes; feeds off fear

Sagittarius -- hypnotic glow in the dark; hide is almost transparent in the daylight; lures in prey with a siren song

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