Almost There

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"Hahahaha mom very funny, you know I'm gay."

"I know I was trying to get a rise out of you. But I am happy for you and you better keep your snake in your pants or I will chop it off. Do you understand me?"

"YES, gosh mom, calm down. I promises no funny business will happen."

"Ok well I got to get back to the children and please if it does happen use protection."

"Mom stop, you are literally the worse" I say jokingly.

We said our goodbyes soon after that and hung up. I don't know why but after I talk to my mom I feel as if 50 pounds was lifted off of my shoulders. As I walked back into the living room I stopped in the kitchen to get an apple. I decided to grab two one for me and one for Josh.  But when i walked in he was asleep on the couch. His phone went off so i picked it up and read the text message:

"are you sure that he isn't going to be there"

"I just don't want him walking in on us"

"are you there"

I was really confused at this point and decided to read the previous messages.

"Heyy ASL?"

"18 M L.A. you?"

"21 M L.A."

"Cool we should meet up"

"Ya totally"

"We would just have to do it when my boyfriend isn't here"

"OHHHHH dangerous I like it"

"Just tell me when and where and I will be there"

"You got it baby"

Did I just read this right? Josh was cheating on me? Well he picked the wrong psychopath to mess with. I started packing his bags and threw them onto the lawn along with his drum set but that one got thrown off of the second story for more depth. Then I went and found my firework set and got all of the firecrackers. I put some in a pot next to the couch and then throughout the house until he was outside. Then I got my chainsaw and put it by the house to chase him with lets just hope he can run fast with luggage. 

I quickly and quietly walked over by the couch and set of the first set of firecracker which cause him to get jump off of the couch and fall down. I quickly moved on to the next set until he was running out the house and saw his stuff laying on the lawn. As he walked over to his stuff I started up the chainsaw and started chasing him. Things where said like "Tyler what the in the hell is happening" and me just replying in laughter. After 5 minutes he tripped and fell and I hovered over him to say.

"You got ten minutes to go find that boy you were texting and go live with him before I chop every limb off piece by piece."

He quickly got up and ran off and I walked back with tears rolling down my face. This was the only guy that I had trusted with anything. I told him things I never told anyone and he didn't care. When I got home I heard my phone going off so I went to check it. It was Josh blowing up my phone say that he's so sorry and he never meant to hurt me. The only thing I said to him was:

"If you text me one more time I will turn you into the cops for harassment." 

My phone instantly stopped and I felt a little of me break, part of me wanted him to continue and convince me that it would never happen again. But the other part of me wanted to never see his face again which would be ok but we have school tomorrow and I still have to tutor him. 

I decided that I should clean up the mess I made but when I was going around the only thing I could think of was: I should do more pranks cause I'm good. Then I started laughing and decided to call my mom and tell her what happened. By the time I was done talking to her we were both crying from laughter and complaining that our stomachs hurt from laughter. After about an hour of laughing I hung up and got a shower and went to bed for school in the morning. 

When I got up I put on the outfit that Josh said was his favorite: White vans, black skinny jeans, a plain black t-shirt, and a floral cardigan. Then I went out to my car started it up and in that moment I knew that my only mission for the day was to make him regret what he did. When I got to the school Josh was in my parking spot with a sign that said: TYLER I'M SORRY. I read it, looked at him and then pushed my foot onto the gas pedal so I could run him over. He quickly got out of the way and when I got out of the car he was laying on the ground. 

"Oops sorry didn't see you there" I said starring at him while he was on the ground. "Next time you should be more careful" I said walking away.

As usual Josh had to sit next to me in the classes we had together but the only difference now was if he tried to talk to me, I would tell the teacher. I got so bad in one class that he earned 3 Saturday School Detentions because he wouldn't stop talking to me. When I went to get my books out of my locker for study hall he was standing by my locker, so I opened the locker door and hit him with it. 

Again my response was "oops I didn't see you there, come on we don't want to be late to our next class do we?"

He walked next to me and didn't say a word to me. All the while I was talking up a storm my favorite thing that I said was.

"Ok so this guy just moved out of my house right, and I haven't felt comfortable around him. But since he moved out, or kicked out which every you prefer, I have been walking around the house naked. Even ordering food and going to the door naked, sometimes I see the delivery boy look at my package and we start to have a little fun. But I don't want to bother you with my life what's going on in yours?"

The only thing that I got back from him was a blank stare or a look of hurt. I couldn't tell the difference and I couldn't care less. 

When we got into the study hall we went to our table and started to do homework but because Josh is lazy and can't do his own homework he kept asking me for the answers so I would give him some that were completely wrong. At the end of the class period the principal walked up to us.

"Good morning boys, I have some good news for you two. Josh you no longer have to be tutored by Tyler anymore because he will be helping Jenna Black" she said happily.

I looked up from my paper and saw her for the first time "Wow you are beautiful" I said with out thinking. Then Josh got up and left but I didn't even care I couldn't stop starring at her.






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