Holding On To You

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Still on medication I looked over at Jenna sobbing at the side of my bed. I looked over and smiled and said.

"Don't cry for me Jenna I'm ok, I just got a wee little boo boo I will be OK."

"Ya you will be fine for now Tyler, you goofy boy" she said crying.

I fell back into sleep right after that, I don't remember much after that other than waking up to go back to sleep. The only thing I do remember is that every time I woke up Jenna was there. She was waiting beside my bed and she never left. I remember saying one time "You're a really nice friend, you are so pretty thank you for being so pretty." Then I fell asleep again. After a full 24 hours of slipping in and out of consciousness, I could finally stay awake and know what was happening around me. When I woke up Jenna was still there beside me smiling.

"Hey, did you have a good nap?"

"How long have I been out?" I said cautiously.

"Well technically you have been out for 24 hours. But you have been sleeping for 13 of those hours."

"Did you sleep any?"

"No silly I have to make sure you are OK first."

I could tell not sleeping for 24 hours was taking its toll on her. Finally after an hour of convincing, I made her go lay on the couch and get some rest. Before I could say sweet dreams she was out like a light. I couldn't see her that well from where my bed was but I could tell she's beautiful even when she sleeps. Is that creepy? Probably so but I don't care.

A few minutes later the doctor walked in, and looked at her sleeping on the couch. 

"I don't know how you did it but I applaud you. We even put sleeping pills in her food to try to get her to go to sleep. But she kept on saying not until I make sure he's OK. You are very important to her apparently. Anyways I am Doctor Mitchell, and I have been keeping Jenna updated on Josh. She said that they are related, anyways I guess I can tell you and when she wakes up you can tell her. Josh is doing a lot better, he has stopped bleeding and the color in his skin has begun to come back. However he still can't breathe with out being on a machine and his heart keeps stopping. It's almost like he has no will to live. Anyways you have a nice night." And just like that he was gone.

He left me alone to think and ponder what happened yesterday. Which was Josh tried to kill himself last night and then I fainted. The doctor said it's like he had no will to live and I couldn't help but feel responsible. I was the reason he tried to kill himself. I was a douche and didn't let him explain himself but instead few off the handle, and basically went ape crazy. I just need him to know that I don't blame him for anything. That's when I get the idea, I ripped out all the tubes and wires attached to me and ran to the bathroom to change clothes. I stumbled a little on my way but soon regained my balance and continued to run. After I changed my clothes I made my way the reception table to find out where he was. Unfortunately he was all the way on the other side of the hospital which meant it was another 10 minute walk to see him. I finally arrived and told the doctor I was a very close cousin and would like to see him. The doctor let me into the room and said I had 10 minutes then I had to leave. I walked to the side of his bed and pulled up a chair. He didn't even look like himself, he was drained of color and looked dead. The only thing that kept him alive was the machines. I didn't know what else to do so I just talked while holding his hand.

"You know I was never really mad at you. I was on my way to see you yesterday, if you would have waited 10 more minutes I would have been there. I miss you Josh, I miss my best friend. Do you remember when we where really bored and you found some eggs in the fridge and then you pulled me off of the couch. We went to my ex's house and you started throwing eggs at his car. Then you pulled out silly string and we sprayed it all over his lawn and bushes. That was the first time in a long time I had laughed that hard. I miss seeing you and you being in my house, I realize that you think you are unwanted but Josh, you are my best friend. You were there for me when no one else was. When I cried you were the shoulder I leaned on. When I told a joke you where the one laughing. You were always there for me and now its my turn so I am not moving from this spot until you wake up."

I sat there for what seemed like an hour and the doctor finally came in and told me it was time to leave. I begged him to let me stay because Josh was alone and he needed someone to sit with him just in case he woke up. The doctor tried to tell me that the only way he would wake up would be if his heart started beating by itself and that me being there wouldn't help much. But with 15 minutes of arguing he finally gave up. He left mumbling something but I didn't hear it or care enough to try and workout what he said. All I cared about was I was alone with Josh, but he wasn't him. He wasn't breathing, he wasn't moving and he wasn't Josh. But he was, he still had that homey feel to him and he still smelt like dreams. He still had his permanent side smirk and his drop dead gorgeous looks. But he wasn't talking, he wasn't laughing. 

"Josh, please. If you can hear me show me something. Give me a sign that you are still with me. I need you here Josh, please. If you want me to stay move your hand and if you want me to leave move your feet." I waited so long for any sign of movement, apparently 3 days long. Eventually my doctors from my room, came and got me. I struggled to stay in my chair, but they tranquilized me and carried me back to my room.

*Doctor's POV* 

I walked into the room to check on Josh, all his vitals were normal. I made sure all the machines were ruining properly and then sat down next to him.

"You know Josh that Tyler kid is really something. He stayed in this chair for 3 days without eating, going to the bathroom, or sleeping. You are a very lucky person to have him."

I stood up and walked out but before I got to the door I turned around. Josh's hand moved from his side to his stomach. 





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