chapter 12

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(Sarah's POV)

Breezy and I drove towards the IMAX theater to meet up with the other couples. Breezy drove while I sat looking at her and listening to the radio. She looked so amazing while she sang along to the music.

She reached over and grabbed my hand. "This is going to be a freaking crazy night!" I laughed and nodded my head in agreement. "Fucking Ryden is going to be there. Of course it will be crazy. We'll probably get kicked out of the theater five minutes into the movie!"

When we arrived I looked at all the other couples standing outside waving at our car. We parked and when I got out of the car I snuck up behind Breezy and grabbed around her waist. "Boo!" I said as she screamed in terror.
"Don't scare me like that!" She said while turning around to wrap her arms around me. "Sorry not sorry." I said. Then I pulled away from the hug and started running towards the theater.

"Catch me if you can!" I screamed back at Breezy. She then started sprinting towards me at full speed. She was gaining on me. I looked behind to see how far she was from me which caused me to trip. She ran over quickly helping me off the ground. "You okay?" She asked. I dusted off my knees and frowned. "I don't know I think I might need a kiss to help heal the scratch.", "If that's what it takes." She said.

She put her body against mine and pushed her soft lips against my chapped ones. "NO PDA IN THE PUBLIC PARKING LOT!" Beebs yelled. "I pulled out of the kiss and flipped them off then leaning in to peck Breezy's lips one last time before we finally reached the others.

Beebs was wearing the same red skirt and black tank top from school but was now wearing high heels instead of converse. "Hey Beebs next time I see you kissing Ryan I'll make sure to embarrass the shit out of you!" Beebs smile turned into a scared frown "Please have mercy on me!" I pretended to pull two guns out of my pockets like I was in an old western film "Sorry but there ain't enough room in this town for the both of us." I said in my best western accent. "Well good thing I'm a little cowboy!" Beebs said causing everybody to choke from laughter.

"Okay guys shut the fuck up so we can go see Finding Dory!" Tyler said as we all ran into the theater. "Reservation for 12 to see Finding Dory." The lady looked at all our gayness overflowing the whole place and just shook her head with shame. "Excuse me ma'm is there an issue?" Tyler asked. "I'm sorry I've just never seen so much gay in one space!" The lady said laughing. Then I realized who this lady was. "Lynn?" I said running up to her. "Hey guys! I forgot to tell you I work here ."

We all crowded around Lynn. "What's up gay friend?" Ryan asked. "Wishing I didn't take the Friday shift." We all laughed and she gave us our tickets. "Have fun kiddos!" She yelled as we ran to theater 6.

We went to our reserved seats at the very top. The first look lady finished her thing and the final commercials played before the start of the movie.

I don't remember a lot of the movie because I spent 95% of the time staring at Breezy. The other 5% I spent watching the other couples making out. Which led to me making out with Breezy which led to this little kid whispering to his mom who told them that we are sinning gays and the children of the devil. It was a good time.

At one point Dan took a spitball and shot it at the mom. Then the lady took her kid and told him "We'll come see this movie when less gays are here." Then she grabbed her kid's hand and rushed him out of the theater while he cried.

At the end of the movie we all stood up and clapped except Tay who threw her popcorn and complained about the "stupid" ending.

We ran out of the theater and headed to our cars to go to the Steak N Shake about 5 minutes from the theater. Pete and Patrick were going to meet us there.

We got there just in time to see Patrick push Pete against a wall and run over to her car. Pete yelled something I couldn't hear then went to his car too. "Well looks like they're out for the count." Breezy said. "No doubt." I replied.

We got out of the car and everybody immediately started talking about what just happened while Tay went to get us a table. "I wonder what happened?" I asked Jenna. "We'll find out eventually." She said "Yeah for now let's just enjoy our Friday night!"Beebs said. And we did. We all got giant burgers and milkshakes. At one point Jack ordered another milkshake just to chug it with no stop in a minute or less. He ended up puking in the bathroom.

It was one of the best nights of my life so far and it ended perfectly too. After we all payed and went outside everybody kissed their date at the same time. That kiss was the definition of perfect. Just like Breezy. I don't know how I was so lucky to have such a beautiful girl to call my own. "I love you Breezy." I said and we held hands as we walked to her car.

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